Essays (unabridged audiobook)
Selected Essays of Nigel Harris
by Nigel Harris -
Trotsky's Marxism and Other Essays
Toward a New World: Articles and Essays, 1901-1906
Men Explain Things To Me
My Seditious Heart
No Straight Road Takes You There
Men Explain Things To Me Updated Edition
Learning to Live in the Dark
Again, Dangerous Visions
Value and Crisis
On Changing the World
by Michael Löwy -
In Praise of Barbarians
by Mike Davis -
Call Them by Their True Names
Whose Story Is This?
Remake the World
by Astra Taylor -
Circling Marx
Israelis and Palestinians
Failure to Quit
by Howard Zinn -
Free Palestine! A Reading List
An incredible collection of books that illuminate the struggle for Palestine through essays, poetry, narrative journalism, and political analysis.
Revolutionary Lives: A Reading List
We've put together a reading list of biographies, memoirs, and collected letters and essays that provide indispensable introductions to some of history's most inspiring figures.
Victor Serge, The Unconquered
William Giraldi for The Baffler
Some writers are destined to have two deaths—the first in life, and the second in memory. The lucky ones can be resurrected from that second death by cultural circumstance and the aid of overseeing angels, irked by injustice, believing these Lazaruses should be helped from their tombs. In 2004, Susan Sontag opened her essay “Unextinguished” with this query, much to the present case: “How to explain the obscurity of one of the most compelling of twentieth-century ethical and literary heroes, Victor Serge?” -
Reading Arundhati Roy
"Arundhati Roy is one of the most confident and original thinkers of our time." —Naomi Klein
Historical Materialism titles discounted – UK and Europe
Blackwells bookshop are offering online discounts on many Historical Materialism titles.
Quick Reads for Quarantine
A list of our favorite quick reads, all under 200 pages, perfect for those with little free time but plentry of interest in radical ideas.
Haymarket Books for $10 (or less!)
Check out these recent Haymarket Books releases that you may have missed, each currently available for under $10.
Racial Capitalism: A Reading List
A reading list on the historical development and dynamics of racial capitalism, as well as examples of resistance.
Meet the 2025 Writing Freedom Fellows
Haymarket Books and the Mellon Foundation are honored to welcome the second cohort of the Writing Freedom Fellowship—a program created to recognize, support, and elevate the voices of emerging and established writers who are impacted by the carceral system and are working in genres spanning poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.
“We’re putting out books that speak to the current moment.”
Haymarket Books has always prided itself on being a mission-driven press, rather than one that focuses on the commercial viability of its acquisitions.
Azadi: Freedom. Fascism. Fiction.
Arundhati Roy and Nick Estes have an urgent and timely conversation on the present crisis, resistance, and the meaning of freedom.
Insurrection as Art: the Legacy of Blanqui
The recently released Communist Insurgent tells the life story of French revolutionary Louis-Auguste Blanqui, and with it the history of a period of extraordinary social and political upheaval. Haymarket Books interviewed the author, Doug Enaa Greene, to understand the relevance of an often maligned or neglected figure. We publish this interview to mark the anniversary of Blanqui's death on 1 January 1881.
Karl Marx Was Right: A Reading List
Marx's writing has helped inspire revolutions, rebellions, and struggle all over the world; we could use a little bit of that inspiration now. We’ve put together this Marx and Marxism reading list to help that effort. All of these books are currently 30% Off.
Abolition Now! Haymarket Books Against Policing & Mass Incarceration
Haymarket Books stands in solidarity with all those resisting police violence, mass incarceration, and the racist carceral system.
Haymarket Books For Resisting Empire
A Haymarket Books reading list on the tremendous violence carried out by the American Empire, and the heroic efforts of those who oppose it.
Fighting for Reproductive Justice, Health, and Freedom: A Reading List
A commitment to reproductive justice, health, and freedom must inform our organizing in these perilous times. The following books address various historical and contemporary issues related to this important topic.
Arundhati Roy: “The Pandemic is a Portal”
“Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.” Watch the video of our online teach-in with Arundhati Roy, hosted by Imani Perry.
Publishing Under Quarantine
This is a difficult time for authors to release new books. Please consider picking up these important new releases and helping us spread the word!
Howard Zinn: In Defense of Civil Disobedience
An excerpt from Howard Zinn's powerful and still relevant 1968 book, Disobedience and Democracy.
Environmental Justice Reading List
A reading list of books dealing with climate crisis and the global fight for environmental justice.
Azadi: Freedom. Fascism. Fiction.
September 1, 2020
Online Teach-in
Azadi: Freedom. Fascism. Fiction.
September 1, 2020
Online Teach-in
Going for Broke: Living on the Edge in the World's Richest Country
November 8, 2023
The Pandemic Is a Portal: A Conversation with Arundhati Roy
April 23, 2020
RSVP to watch live online.
On Edward Said: Remembrance of Things Past
December 8, 2020
Online Teach-in
On Edward Said: Remembrance of Things Past
December 8, 2020
Online Teach-in
The Hard Crowd: Rachel Kushner & Wallace Shawn in Conversation
November 3, 2021
Online Teach-in
Deborah Eisenberg in conversation with David L. Ulin
April 13, 2022
Choice Words: Writers on Abortion
May 13, 2020
City Lights Books
San Francisco, CA -
Choice Words: Writers on Abortion
May 14, 2020
Broadway Books
Portland, OR -
Choice Words: Writers on Abortion
May 17, 2020
Elliott Bay Book Company
Seattle, WA -
BreakBeat Poets Live Presents: Mama Phife Represents!
January 7, 2021
The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop: Felicia Rose Chavez & Kiese Laymon
January 21, 2021
Online Teach-in
Remake the World
May 4, 2021
Online Teach-in
Remake the World
May 4, 2021
Online Teach-in
Choice Words: Writers on Abortion
March 25, 2022
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Philadelphia, PA -
Assata Taught Me
April 18, 2022
Online Teach-in
Abolition for the People: The Movement for a Future Without Police & Prisons
November 1, 2023
Abolition for the People: Movement for a Future Without Police & Prisons
December 11, 2023
The Rebel's Clinic: The Revolutionary Lives of Frantz Fanon
February 6, 2024
Search Results for: Essays