The Russian Revolution at 100
In commemoration of the 100 year anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Haymarket Books has compiled a list of essential books for those interested in learning the lessons of the first successful workers' revolution.
State, Power, Socialism
A reading list of books that deal with topics related to the state, power, and socialism across the globe and throughout history—bringing together classic Marxist interventions on reform and revolution, important historical treatments, and conjunctural arguments about strategy and tactics.
Insurrection as Art: the Legacy of Blanqui
The recently released Communist Insurgent tells the life story of French revolutionary Louis-Auguste Blanqui, and with it the history of a period of extraordinary social and political upheaval. Haymarket Books interviewed the author, Doug Enaa Greene, to understand the relevance of an often maligned or neglected figure. We publish this interview to mark the anniversary of Blanqui's death on 1 January 1881.
Beyond Bernie: The Socialist Challenge Today
An excerpt from the newly updated and expanded US edition of The Socialist Challenge Today: Syriza, Corbyn, Sanders, which offers socialists and other leftists an essential basis for reflection, assessment, and debate about how to achieve transformative change.
Mike Davis on Trump’s America
Behind the bluster, what does Donald Trump’s presidency actually represent? Mike Davis—a world renowned American scholar, and author of several books—was interviewed by Seán Mitchell for Rebel, about the state of Trump’s America.
Karl Marx Was Right: A Reading List
Marx's writing has helped inspire revolutions, rebellions, and struggle all over the world; we could use a little bit of that inspiration now. We’ve put together this Marx and Marxism reading list to help that effort. All of these books are currently 30% Off.
Queer Anti-Capitalism
In Warped: Gay Normality and Queer Anti-Capitalism, Peter Drucker shows how the successive 'same-sex formations' of the past century and a half have led both to the emergence of today's 'homonormativity' and 'homonationalism' and to ongoing queer resistance.
February Flash Sale
A selection of our favorite books, specially discounted for you!
Racial Capitalism: A Reading List
A reading list on the historical development and dynamics of racial capitalism, as well as examples of resistance.
Big Books, Big Ideas, Big Discounts
Make the most of Haymarket’s 40% Off Holiday sale by stocking up on our biggest books!
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