Search Results for: Marxs-Concept-of-the-Alternative-to-Capitalism
Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism
by Peter Hudis -
None So Fit to Break the Chains
by Dan Swain -
Supersuming Subsumption: Theory and Politics
Historical Materialism authors discuss the series
Authors of a number of titles in the Historical Materialism Book Series discuss their books, and the importance of the series.
Environmental Justice Reading List
A reading list of books dealing with climate crisis and the global fight for environmental justice.
Insurrection as Art: the Legacy of Blanqui
The recently released Communist Insurgent tells the life story of French revolutionary Louis-Auguste Blanqui, and with it the history of a period of extraordinary social and political upheaval. Haymarket Books interviewed the author, Doug Enaa Greene, to understand the relevance of an often maligned or neglected figure. We publish this interview to mark the anniversary of Blanqui's death on 1 January 1881.
Haymarket Books for $10 (or less!)
Check out these recent Haymarket Books releases that you may have missed, each currently available for under $10.