My People Are Rising
by Aaron Dixon -
Racial Capitalism: A Reading List
A reading list on the historical development and dynamics of racial capitalism, as well as examples of resistance.
Defend Black History: A Reading List
A reading list of indispensable books on Black history and politics, all 40% Off as part of our Black history month sale.
Where Do We Go From Here? Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor & Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
On Friday, November 6th, Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor joined Haymarket's Anthony Arnove for a conversation about next steps for the struggle in the aftermath of the 2020 election and the ongoing crisis. Here, we present a transcript of their discussion.
Donald Trump and Capitalism's Next Crisis
Donald Trump's economic policies are designed to boost the profitability of capital, but they're increasing the risk of a global slump.
Abolish Policing, Not Just the Police
A discussion on abolishing the police and policing with Mariame Kaba, Maya Schenwar, and Victoria Law.
"Nothing Happened as Expected": Reflections on the French Elections
Haymarket Books interviews Clément Petitjean, a contributor to the recently published Europe in Revolt, for a critical perspective on the recent French election.
Meet the 2025 Writing Freedom Fellows
Haymarket Books and the Mellon Foundation are honored to welcome the second cohort of the Writing Freedom Fellowship—a program created to recognize, support, and elevate the voices of emerging and established writers who are impacted by the carceral system and are working in genres spanning poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.
A Real Paradigm Shift in Child Welfare
“When the Welfare People Come” offers a sweeping look at the history and politics of the US child welfare system, exposing the racist system—from the “orphan trains” and Indian boarding schools to current practices in child protective investigations, foster care, and mandated services—arguing that it constitutes a mechanism of control exerted over poor and working-class parents and children.
Stonewall was a Riot: a Pride Month Reading List
A reading list of books about queer and trans politics, history, and liberation. For the month of June, we’re glad to offer 40% Off the Haymarket titles on this list!
Queer Anti-Capitalism
In Warped: Gay Normality and Queer Anti-Capitalism, Peter Drucker shows how the successive 'same-sex formations' of the past century and a half have led both to the emergence of today's 'homonormativity' and 'homonationalism' and to ongoing queer resistance.
Insurrection as Art: the Legacy of Blanqui
The recently released Communist Insurgent tells the life story of French revolutionary Louis-Auguste Blanqui, and with it the history of a period of extraordinary social and political upheaval. Haymarket Books interviewed the author, Doug Enaa Greene, to understand the relevance of an often maligned or neglected figure. We publish this interview to mark the anniversary of Blanqui's death on 1 January 1881.
Mike Davis on Trump’s America
Behind the bluster, what does Donald Trump’s presidency actually represent? Mike Davis—a world renowned American scholar, and author of several books—was interviewed by Seán Mitchell for Rebel, about the state of Trump’s America.
2020 Best Sellers!
Haymarket readers' favorite books of 2020: our 30 best (online) sellers.
Publishing Under Quarantine
This is a difficult time for authors to release new books. Please consider picking up these important new releases and helping us spread the word!
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