On History
by Tariq Ali and Oliver Stone -
Doing History from the Bottom Up
Marx on Campus
by Lothar Peter -
Theory As History
Midnight on the Mavi Marmara
Edited by Moustafa Bayoumi -
Making History
A People's History of Chicago
by Kevin Coval -
Marxism and Criminology: A History of Criminal Selectivity
Always on Strike
by Arnold Stead -
On the Road to Global Labour History
Edited by Karl Heinz Roth -
On the Formation of Marxism
by Jukka Gronow -
A Brief History of Commercial Capitalism
9.5 Theses on Art and Class
by Ben Davis -
Emancipation and History
A Moment on the Clock of the World
Edited by David Bruin and Melanie Joseph -
The Cold War on Five Continents
On My Way to Liberation
by H. Melt -
On Edward Said
The US–China Rift and Its Impact on Globalisation
Set the Earth on Fire
The U.S. Working Class Has a Radical History
A Haymarket Books reading list on the radical history of the U.S. working class.
The Death Agony of the Monarchy: Russia on the Eve of Revolution
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia abdicated a hundred years ago today, bringing to an end three centuries of Romanov rule. In this extract from his History of the Russian Revolution, Trotsky describes the final days of Imperial Russia. Incompetent, vain, and almost comically ignorant of the historic events unfolding around it, the Tsarist regime fell, in Trotsky's words, "like rotten fruit." -
"Nothing Happened as Expected": Reflections on the French Elections
Haymarket Books interviews Clément Petitjean, a contributor to the recently published Europe in Revolt, for a critical perspective on the recent French election.
The Racist History of Standardized Testing
Awo Okaikor Aryee-Price, Jesse Hagopian, Denisha Jones and Wayne Au discuss the racist history of standardized testing and its impacts today.
FREE EBOOK: Our History Has Always Been Contraband
NOW AVAILABLE: Kaepernick Publishing and Haymarket Books release Our History Has Always Been Contraband: In Defense of Black Studies as a free ebook!
Counting Crime: A Lecture on the Politics of Crime Data and Its Uses
Join Tamara K. Nopper for an urgent discussion of the politics, history, and methods of counting crime—and who benefits from crime data.
Women of the Barricades
Writing in the Guardian, pioneering British feminist Sheila Rowbotham named The Women Incendiaries by Edith Thomas in her top 10 radical history books. -
40% OFF Haymarket Books on the Struggle for Black Liberation
A Haymarket Books reading guide in celebration of the rich history of Black life, politics, culture, and struggle, 40% off for Black History Month.
“We need Howard Zinn now more than ever.”
Howard Zinn was born 100 years ago this week. We've put together a reading list of classic works by Zinn that embody his commitments to struggle from below and people's history, along with a free ebook A Life of Activism: Howard Zinn in His Own Words.
10 Haymarket LIVE events to watch during Women's History Month
For Women's History Month, we've put together a list of 10 inspiring, informative Haymarket LIVE events exploring the politics of gender, family, reproductive justice, and more.
Black History Book Bundle
In the context of ongoing attacks on the freedom to read—in Florida and across the country—it is more important than ever to place the study of Black history and politics at the center of our collective political education. In support of that effort, we’ve put together this book bundle of key titles on Black radicalism.
Black History Month UK and Ireland: 40% Off!
In celebration of Black History Month in the UK and Ireland this October, we are offering 40% off books on Black history, struggle, culture, resistance and joy.
The Stop Trump Reading List: One Year On
Our slogan at Haymarket Books is "Books for Changing the World." In that spirit, we've created a new reading list to help build the resistance to Trump one year on from his inauguration.
Learning As Rebellion: Resisting Right-Wing Attacks on Higher Ed Across the Americas
Join Haymarket Books and NACLA for a discussion about how to resist the conservative attacks on higher education
The Game is Not a Game: Books on Sports and Struggle
A Haymarket reading list about radical sports history and the impact activist athletes have had on politics and sports culture.
10 Haymarket LIVE events to watch during Black History Month
For Black History Month, we've put together a list of 10 Haymarket LIVE events about Black history, politics, culture, and liberation, free to watch.
On Edward Said: Remembrance of Things Past
Hamid Dabashi and Ahdaf Soueif discuss Dabashi's new book, On Edward Said: Remembrance of Things Past.
FLASH SALE: 60% Off Select Black History Titles!
Flash sale! Until the end of February, get 60% Off the following books related to Black history, politics, culture, and freedom struggle.
Women's Liberation reading guide from Haymarket Books
In solidarity with the Women's Strike on International Women's Day, we offer a reading guide on the history and politics of women's liberation, to learn from past struggles, and to prepare for the many struggles to come.
Defend Black History: A Reading List
A reading list of indispensable books on Black history and politics, all 40% Off as part of our Black history month sale.
Gay 4 History: A Dialogue Across Eras
July 21, 2021
Online Teach-in
Gay 4 History: A Dialogue Across Eras
July 21, 2021
Online Teach-in
The Racist History of Standardized Testing
April 29, 2021
Online Teach-in
Counting Crime: A Lecture on the Politics of Crime Data and Its Uses
July 27, 2021
Online Teach-in
After Life: A Conversation on Loss and Redemption in Pandemic America
October 11, 2022
Online Teach-in
On Shedding an Obsolete Past
November 16, 2022
Family Histories & Political Violence in the Americas: A Poetic Discussion
June 9, 2023
Chicago: China Miéville on the Russian Revolution
May 27, 2017
University Church
Chicago, IL -
Set the Earth on Fire: The Great Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902 and the Birth of the Police
September 17, 2024
Learning As Rebellion: Resisting Right-Wing Attacks on Higher Ed
August 2, 2022
Online Teach-in
Stayed on Freedom: A Book Conversation with Dan Berger
May 16, 2024
Haymarket House
Chicago, IL -
Like A Hammer: Poets on Mass Incarceration
March 7, 2025
Haymarket House
Chicago, IL -
America on Fire: The Untold History of Police Violence and Black Rebellion
May 18, 2021
Online Teach-in
On Edward Said: Remembrance of Things Past
December 8, 2020
Online Teach-in
On Edward Said: Remembrance of Things Past
December 8, 2020
Online Teach-in
On Solidarity: A Boston Review Launch Event
November 21, 2023
The Tragedy of American Science
July 30, 2020
Online Teach-in
The Tragedy of American Science
July 30, 2020
Online Teach-in
The Tuskegee Student Uprising
October 12, 2022
Haymarket House
Chicago, IL -
Counterrevolution in Sudan: Understanding the Causes of the Current War
July 5, 2023
Search Results for: On-History