Politics and Philosophy
Selected Political and Economic Writings of Eugen Varga
by Eugen Varga -
Marx and Social Justice
Althusser and Theology
Edited by Agon Hamza -
Crisis and Contradiction
Edited by Susan J. Spronk and Jeffery R. Webber -
The Corporation, Law, and Capitalism
Growth and Change in Neoliberal Capitalism
Marx, Women, and Capitalist Social Reproduction
Value and Crisis
Art and Value
by Dave Beech -
Ali Shariati and the Future of Social Theory
Edited by Dustin J. Byrd and Seyed Javad Miri -
Philosophy After Marx
Debord, Time and Spectacle
by Tom Bunyard -
Marx's Philosophy of Revolution in Permanence for Our Day
Hegel, Marx and Vygotsky
by Andy Blunden -
Neoliberalism and National Culture
by Cory Blad -
Revolution and Its Alternatives
by Tom Brass -
Marx’s Experiments and Microscopes
Disintegration: Bad Love, Collective Suicide, and the Idols of Imperial Twilight
Marx's Capital and Hegel's Logic
Edited by Fred Moseley and Tony Smith -
Elite Capture: How The Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (& Everything Else)
Join Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò and Robin D.G. Kelley for a conversation about the politics of solidarity in the fight against racial capitalism.
Propaganda and the Public Mind: A Reading List
A reading list of books dealing with media, ideology, cultural institutions, and the forces in our society that shape the way we see ourselves and the world.
Crisis and Uprising in Lebanon: The Roots of the Explosion
A discussion examining the roots of the explosion and mass protests currently unfolding in Lebanon with speakers on the ground in Beirut.
Debating Eco-Socialist Futures
Join Haymarket and Verso for a discussion on left climate strategy that assesses where we are and what we should be fighting for.
Insurrection as Art: the Legacy of Blanqui
The recently released Communist Insurgent tells the life story of French revolutionary Louis-Auguste Blanqui, and with it the history of a period of extraordinary social and political upheaval. Haymarket Books interviewed the author, Doug Enaa Greene, to understand the relevance of an often maligned or neglected figure. We publish this interview to mark the anniversary of Blanqui's death on 1 January 1881.
Noam Chomsky on the Consequences of Capitalism
Noam Chomsky discusses the brutal realities laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic—and the urgent need for an alternative to capitalism.
The Consequences of Capitalism with Noam Chomsky
Join Noam Chomsky and Marv Waterstone as they discuss their latest book, Consequences of Capitalism.
White Skin, Black Fuel: Fossil Fascism and Colonialism's Inky Legacy
Join us for an urgent discussion on the rise of the far right and what it means for the battle against climate change.
Begin Again: James Baldwin's America and its Urgent Lessons for Our Own
Eddie Glaude Jr. and Cornel West discuss the enduring legacy of James Baldwin and lessons from his work for confronting racism today.
Gilbert Achcar: Mahdi Amel and Arab Marxism
Gilbert Achcar’s foreword to Arab Marxism and National Liberation, now available in paperback.
A Vision of the Future We Want
"No Is Not Enough is essential reading for anyone serious about resisting the current regime and building the new world. It’s our book and should be read by everyone." –Eve Ensler
On Edward Said: Remembrance of Things Past
Hamid Dabashi and Ahdaf Soueif discuss Dabashi's new book, On Edward Said: Remembrance of Things Past.
Mike Davis (1946 - 2022)
What can one say about Mike Davis that has not been said already by so many who appreciated his brilliance, wit, clarity, and uncanny foresight?
Racial Capitalism: A Reading List
A reading list on the historical development and dynamics of racial capitalism, as well as examples of resistance.
No Human Being is Illegal: Organizing for a World Without Borders
Nandita Sharma, Justin Akers Chacón, and Vanessa Wills discuss the ongoing struggle for a world without borders.
Reaction and Revolution: Responses to Domenico Losurdo’s 'Nietzsche'
Join us for a discussion marking the paperback release of Domenico Losurdo’s monumental study of Friedrich Nietzsche.
The Neoliberal University: How to Defend Education, Programs, and Jobs
A conversation about the struggle against neoliberalism in higher education with leading voices from the front lines.
We Will Not Be Erased: Ongoing Nakba
Mohammad El-Kurd, Majd Kayyal, Sandra Tamari, and Sumaya Awad unpack the history and ongoing reality of the Nakba.
Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age
Join Haymarket Books and Spectre Journal for a conversation on revolution in the contemporary era.
Historical Materialism titles discounted – UK and Europe
Blackwells bookshop are offering online discounts on many Historical Materialism titles.
Ukraine at a Turning Point: Imperialism, National Liberation, and Solidarity
June 28, 2024
Elite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (& Everything Else)
May 9, 2022
Online Teach-in
Crisis and Uprising in Lebanon: The Roots of the Explosion
August 21, 2020
Online Teach-in
Crisis and Uprising in Lebanon: The Roots of the Explosion
August 21, 2020
Online Teach-in
Debating Eco-Socialist Futures
August 3, 2022
Online Teach-in
Debating Eco-Socialist Futures
August 3, 2022
Online Teach-in
White Skin, Black Fuel: Fossil Fascism and Colonialism's Inky Legacy
August 20, 2021
Online Teach-in
White Skin, Black Fuel: Fossil Fascism and Colonialism's Inky Legacy
August 20, 2021
Online Teach-in
The Consequences of Capitalism with Noam Chomsky
November 15, 2021
Online Teach-in
Burnout: The Emotional Experience of Political Defeat
July 25, 2024
Begin Again: James Baldwin's America and its Urgent Lessons for Our Own
July 1, 2020
Online Teach-in
Begin Again: James Baldwin's America and its Urgent Lessons for Our Own
July 1, 2020 - July 2, 2020
Online Teach-in
Noam Chomsky on the Consequences of Capitalism
October 13, 2021
Online Teach-in
On Edward Said: Remembrance of Things Past
December 8, 2020
Online Teach-in
On Edward Said: Remembrance of Things Past
December 8, 2020
Online Teach-in
The Communist Manifesto: A Road Map to History's Most Important Political Document
April 30, 2024
Solidarity Is the Political Version of Love: Lessons from Jewish Anti-Zionist Organizing
September 26, 2024
No Human Being is Illegal: Organizing for a World Without Borders
February 1, 2021
Online Teach-in
No Human Being is Illegal: Organizing for a World Without Borders
February 1, 2021
Online Teach-in
Transgender Marxism: Against the Backlash
July 16, 2023
Search Results for: Politics-and-Philosophy