The Case for Socialism (Updated Edition)
by Alan Maass -
The Case for Socialism
by Alan Maass -
The Case for Open Borders
What Is The State For?
The Struggle for Development and Democracy
Social Structures of Direct Democracy
Doing History from the Bottom Up
The Political Economy of Housing
The Class Strikes Back
Edited by Dario Azzellini and Michael G. Kraft -
Teaching Marx & Critical Theory in the 21st Century
Edited by Mary Caputi and Bryant William Sculos -
The Radical Right
Edited by Tamás Gerőcs, Cecilia Lero, et al. -
On the Road to Global Labour History
Edited by Karl Heinz Roth -
Throwing the Dice of History with Marx
Socialism From Below
by Hal Draper -
Socialism . . . Seriously
by Danny Katch -
To the Victor, the Potatoes!
Hope in the Dark
Fidel in the Cuban Socialist Revolution
by Fidel Castro -
State Capitalism, Contentious Politics and Large-Scale Social Change
The Shifting Ground of Globalization
Remake the World
Acclaimed writers and activists Astra Taylor and Rebecca Solnit tackle some of the most pressing social problems of our day.
Debtors of the World Unite!
Join Haymarket Books, Jacobin, and the Debt Collective for a discussion of how to build the movement for debt abolition!
No Human Being is Illegal: Organizing for a World Without Borders
Nandita Sharma, Justin Akers Chacón, and Vanessa Wills discuss the ongoing struggle for a world without borders.
Salvage Live: The Problem With Work
For this episode of Salvage Live, Amelia Horgan, Sarah Jaffe, and our hosts discuss the Problem with Work, and what to do about it.
Elite Capture: How The Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (& Everything Else)
Join Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò and Robin D.G. Kelley for a conversation about the politics of solidarity in the fight against racial capitalism.
Free Palestine! A Reading List
An incredible collection of books that illuminate the struggle for Palestine through essays, poetry, narrative journalism, and political analysis.
Solidarity: Defending Activism Within and Beyond the University
Join us in solidarity with Garrett Felber for a discussion about defending anti-racist and abolitionist organizing in academia.
State, Power, Socialism
A reading list of books that deal with topics related to the state, power, and socialism across the globe and throughout history—bringing together classic Marxist interventions on reform and revolution, important historical treatments, and conjunctural arguments about strategy and tactics.
#SayHerName Charleena Lyles: Police Murder and the Uprising for Black Lives
Katrina Johnson, Michael Bennett, Nikkita Oliver and Jesse Hagopian talk about justice for Charleena Lyles and the new uprising for Black lives.
The U.S. Working Class Has a Radical History
A Haymarket Books reading list on the radical history of the U.S. working class.
Acting As If One Is Already Free
Salvage and Haymarket Books host a conversation on what we can learn about politics, capitalism, and resistance from the late David Graeber.
"Workers of the World, Unite!" An Internationalist Reading List
A reading list about resistance movements around the world, solidarity across borders, and socialist internationalism.
Mike Davis on Trump’s America
Behind the bluster, what does Donald Trump’s presidency actually represent? Mike Davis—a world renowned American scholar, and author of several books—was interviewed by Seán Mitchell for Rebel, about the state of Trump’s America.
Racism is a Public Health Crisis
A conversation between labor and community activists about centering the fight against racism in the fight for public health care.
Propaganda and the Public Mind: A Reading List
A reading list of books dealing with media, ideology, cultural institutions, and the forces in our society that shape the way we see ourselves and the world.
Abolish Policing, Not Just the Police
A discussion on abolishing the police and policing with Mariame Kaba, Maya Schenwar, and Victoria Law.
Fortress Europe, Fortress USA: How Borders Work
Join Haymarket Books and Salvage for a discussion of Fortress Europe, Fortress USA: How Borders Work
Haymarket Books For Resisting Empire
A Haymarket Books reading list on the tremendous violence carried out by the American Empire, and the heroic efforts of those who oppose it.
Radical Organizing in the Depression Era
"...the train of developments that connects changes in social conditions to a changed consciousness is not simple. People, including ordinary people, harbor somewhere in their memories the building blocks of different and contradictory interpretations of what it is that is happening to them, of who should be blamed, and what can be done about it..."
The City of Women London Tube Map
The City of Women London Tube Map redraws Transport for London’s iconic underground map, with each station named after women and non-binary people who have shaped London.
Remake the World
May 4, 2021
Online Teach-in
Remake the World
May 4, 2021
Online Teach-in
Visualizing Palestine: A Chronicle of Colonialism and the Struggle for Liberation
September 18, 2024
Surviving State Violence: The Case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and Incarceration in Women’s Prisons
March 24, 2025
Salvage LIVE: The Problem With Work
May 30, 2022
Online Teach-in
Salvage LIVE: The Problem With Work
May 30, 2022
Online Teach-in
No Human Being is Illegal: Organizing for a World Without Borders
February 1, 2021
Online Teach-in
No Human Being is Illegal: Organizing for a World Without Borders
February 1, 2021
Online Teach-in
What is the Relevance of the Russian Revolution Today? A Debate
July 27, 2022
Online Teach-in
Solidarity: Defending Activism Within and Beyond the University
December 22, 2020
Online Teach-in
Solidarity: Defending Activism Within and Beyond the University
December 22, 2020
Online Teach-in
Elite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (& Everything Else)
May 9, 2022
Online Teach-in
Fight Like Hell, Even When the Fight Seems Hopeless: A Tribute to Mike Davis
November 4, 2022
On Solidarity: A Boston Review Launch Event
November 21, 2023
Taking Children, Taking the Land: Nick Estes with Rebecca Nagle
November 10, 2021
Online Teach-in
Socialism...Seriously: A Brief Guide to Surviving the 21st Century
January 11, 2023
Socialism…Seriously: Chicago Reading Group Discussion
June 1, 2023
Haymarket House
Chicago, IL -
Racism is a Public Health Crisis
July 29, 2020
Online Teach-in
Racism is a Public Health Crisis
July 29, 2020 - July 30, 2020
Online Teach-in
Social Work, Abolition, and Palestine
December 12, 2022
Search Results for: The-Case-for-Socialism