The Changing Face of Empire
by Nick Turse -
The Cold War on Five Continents
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle
Haymarket Books For Resisting Empire
A Haymarket Books reading list on the tremendous violence carried out by the American Empire, and the heroic efforts of those who oppose it.
Abolition Means No War!
An abolitionist reading list exploring the connections between technologies of state violence, with particular focus on the movement against war and miltarism.
Haymarket Books Against War
A reading list about capitalism, imperialism, and the politics and strategies of anti-war resistance movements of the past and present, 40% Off.
PIC Abolition, the War on Terror, and the Deportation Machine
A discussion of how the War on Terror fuels our deportation machine and how to dismantle both.
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Beyond Bernie: The Socialist Challenge Today
An excerpt from the newly updated and expanded US edition of The Socialist Challenge Today: Syriza, Corbyn, Sanders, which offers socialists and other leftists an essential basis for reflection, assessment, and debate about how to achieve transformative change.
Howard Zinn: In Defense of Civil Disobedience
An excerpt from Howard Zinn's powerful and still relevant 1968 book, Disobedience and Democracy.
Danny Katch: Their Money or Your Life
“To take coronavirus seriously is to treat what is normally a perhaps abstract socialist ideal, that a society is only as strong as its most vulnerable members, as a matter of immediate epidemiological fact.”
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