War on War
The Cold War on Five Continents
Neoliberalism's War on Higher Education
Tomas Young's War
The American Way of War
A Nation Unmade by War
War Without End
On Shedding an Obsolete Past
War and Revolution in Catalonia, 1936-1939
War and an Irish Town
The Civil Wars in U.S. Labor
by Steve Early -
Sanctions as War
Edited by Stuart Davis -
On the Formation of Marxism
by Jukka Gronow -
On New Terrain
by Kim Moody -
Vietnam: The (Last) War the U.S. Lost
by Joe Allen -
The Labor Wars
by Sidney Lens -
Class War, USA
War, Capital, and the Dutch State (1588-1795)
Imperialism and War
by Nikolai Bukharin and V. I. Lenin -
Wars of Position?
by H.F. Pimlott -
Haymarket Books Against War
A reading list about capitalism, imperialism, and the politics and strategies of anti-war resistance movements of the past and present, 40% Off.
Abolition Means No War!
An abolitionist reading list exploring the connections between technologies of state violence, with particular focus on the movement against war and miltarism.
Feminists vs. the War Machine
Join Lux and Haymarket for a discussion about feminist internationalism in the face of war.
PIC Abolition, the War on Terror, and the Deportation Machine
A discussion of how the War on Terror fuels our deportation machine and how to dismantle both.
Putin’s War on Ukraine: History, Analysis, Solidarity
Join a panel with Ukrainian activists and analysts for a discussion of the present crisis, war, and a genuine internationalist perspective.
Haymarket Books Holiday Gift Guide
Take 50% OFF all Haymarket Books through Tuesday, January 3rd! Get a FREE Ebook bundled with every book purchase! Get FREE Shipping on orders over $25 inside the US.
America on Fire: The Untold History of Police Violence and Black Rebellion
Elizabeth Hinton and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor in conversation on themes from Hinton's new book, America on Fire.
Stop the US War Machine! Book Bundle
We’re offering 5 key books—on the politics and history of US empire and anti-war movements—for just $60.
Haymarket Books For Resisting Empire
A Haymarket Books reading list on the tremendous violence carried out by the American Empire, and the heroic efforts of those who oppose it.
Class War! Starter Kit
5 Books for $55: Celebrate May Day, and the resurgence of the labor movement, by taking a crash course on labor history and strategy with these five crucial books.
A Global Green New Deal: Into the Portal, Leave No One Behind
Arundhati Roy and Naomi Klein in conversation, moderated by Asad Rehman, on how we move from crisis to justice and build a Global Green New Deal.
Mike Davis on Trump’s America
Behind the bluster, what does Donald Trump’s presidency actually represent? Mike Davis—a world renowned American scholar, and author of several books—was interviewed by Seán Mitchell for Rebel, about the state of Trump’s America.
Twenty Years After 9/11: Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire
Book Launch: A discussion of twenty years of the War on Terror and the second and fully revised edition of Deepa Kumar's book, Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire.
Grasping at the Root: White Supremacy and the so-called “War on Terror”
Join us for a discussion of white supremacy, the human rights crisis, and public policy in the twenty years since 9/11.
Stories of Survival: Surviving the Post-9/11 Human Rights Crisis
Hear from survivors of the U.S. government’s so-called “War on Terror,” who have resisted the U.S.’ campaign of human rights abuses and war.
How Women Workers in Russia Sparked a Revolution
One of the greatest lessons the Russian state learned on March 8, 1917 was never to underestimate the women of Petrograd. On that fateful morning, International Women’s Day, women workers threw down their tools and walked out of the factories and into the streets. -
We Still Here
Marc Lamont Hill, phillip agnew and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on the pandemic, policing, protests, and possibility.
Class War Reading List
In celebration of May Day and the radical history of the working class, we’ve put together this Class War Reading List. All of these books are 40% Off until the end of May!
The Russian Revolution at 100
In commemoration of the 100 year anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Haymarket Books has compiled a list of essential books for those interested in learning the lessons of the first successful workers' revolution.
Black Power Afterlives: From the Black Panther Party to Black Lives Matter
Emory Douglas, Mary Hooks, Yoel Haile, and Diane Fujino discuss the enduring impact of the Black Panther Party on today’s movements.
My Country is the World: Staughton Lynd and the Vietnam War
March 8, 2023
Feminists vs. the War Machine
May 5, 2022
Online Teach-in
Fighting Times: Organizing on the Front Lines of the Class War
February 23, 2023
Putin’s War on Ukraine: History, Analysis, Solidarity
March 7, 2022
Online Teach-in
America on Fire: The Untold History of Police Violence and Black Rebellion
May 18, 2021
Online Teach-in
The New Cold War: The US, Russia, and China Today
April 4, 2023
Towards the Abyss: Mass Protest, War, and What Ukraine Reveals About the Global System
October 15, 2024
Washington, DC: Naomi Klein on No Is Not Enough
June 14, 2017
Sidwell Friends Meeting House
Washington, DC -
Portland: Naomi Klein on No Is Not Enough
June 19, 2017
Powell's Books at Cedar Hill Crossing
Beaverton, OR -
NYC: Naomi Klein on No Is Not Enough w/ Hari Kondabolu & Eve Ensler
June 12, 2017
The Great Hall at Cooper Union
New York, NY -
Chicago: Naomi Klein on No Is Not Enough
June 10, 2017 - June 11, 2017
McCormick Place
Chicago, IL -
Berkeley: Naomi Klein on No Is Not Enough
June 20, 2017
First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley
Berkeley, CA -
Seattle: Naomi Klein on No Is Not Enough
June 22, 2017
The Neptune Theater
Seattle, WA -
Los Angeles: Naomi Klein on No Is Not Enough
June 21, 2017
The Wilshire Ebell Theatre
Los Angeles, CA -
Gaza, Lebanon, & Israel’s Drive Toward Regional War
October 17, 2024
On Shedding an Obsolete Past
November 16, 2022
Chicago: China Miéville on the Russian Revolution
May 27, 2017
University Church
Chicago, IL -
Grasping at the Root: White Supremacy and the so-called “War on Terror”
October 28, 2021
Online Teach-in
Stories of Survival: Surviving the Post-9/11 Human Rights Crisis
November 30, 2021
Online Teach-in
Abolition and the Liberation of Palestine
November 1, 2023
Search Results for: War-on-War