Gaza in Crisis
by Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé -
Learning to Live in the Dark
On Palestine
by Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé -
Palestine Speaks
Edited by Mateo Hoke and Cate Malek -
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle
Can the Democrats Win?
by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson -
2023: Haymarket's Year in 10 Books
Through another year of defiant, collective resistance, Haymarket has continued to amplify radical voices and ideas that make a contribution to analyzing systems of oppression, mapping strategies for liberation, and imagining a fundamentally different world. These are ten books published in 2023 that gave powerful voice to our year—plus, a reminder about an indispensable and FREE new ebook.
Noam Chomsky on the Consequences of Capitalism
Noam Chomsky discusses the brutal realities laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic—and the urgent need for an alternative to capitalism.
Key titles for collective learning!
Check out our list of key titles for organizers, 40% Off until the end of September! Many of these books also have associated supplementary resources available to support discussion groups—listed here, where available.
Learning Together (while staying apart): Online Event Schedule
Join Haymarket Books for a series of online events hosted in the context of the current crisis, and watch past events.
Twenty Years After 9/11: Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire
Book Launch: A discussion of twenty years of the War on Terror and the second and fully revised edition of Deepa Kumar's book, Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire.
Free Palestine! A Reading List
An incredible collection of books that illuminate the struggle for Palestine through essays, poetry, narrative journalism, and political analysis.
Against Settler Colonialism: A Reading List
From Turtle Island to Palestine, Indigenous people across the world continue to resist settler-colonial domination, extraction, and exploitation of their land and communities.
Haymarket Books For Resisting Empire
A Haymarket Books reading list on the tremendous violence carried out by the American Empire, and the heroic efforts of those who oppose it.
Palestine in a World on Fire
March 10, 2025
Do No Harm: Medical Apartheid in Palestine
November 17, 2023
Haymarket House
Chicago, IL -
Noam Chomsky on the Consequences of Capitalism
October 13, 2021
Online Teach-in
Cultivating Solidarity: Responding to Political Repression
June 18, 2024
9/11 Twenty Years On: Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire
September 10, 2021
Online Teach-in
Search Results for: gaza-in-crisis