The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx
From Marx to Gramsci
Edited by Paul Le Blanc -
Revolutionary Collective
Socialism . . . Seriously
by Danny Katch -
A Spectre, Haunting
Insurrection as Art: the Legacy of Blanqui
The recently released Communist Insurgent tells the life story of French revolutionary Louis-Auguste Blanqui, and with it the history of a period of extraordinary social and political upheaval. Haymarket Books interviewed the author, Doug Enaa Greene, to understand the relevance of an often maligned or neglected figure. We publish this interview to mark the anniversary of Blanqui's death on 1 January 1881.
Karl Marx Was Right: A Reading List
Marx's writing has helped inspire revolutions, rebellions, and struggle all over the world; we could use a little bit of that inspiration now. We’ve put together this Marx and Marxism reading list to help that effort. All of these books are currently 30% Off.
Revolutionary Lives: A Reading List
We've put together a reading list of biographies, memoirs, and collected letters and essays that provide indispensable introductions to some of history's most inspiring figures.
150 Years of the Paris Commune: A Reading List
A reading list celebrating the Paris Commune and the generations of radicals inspired by its legacy. All of these books are currently 30% Off.
Propaganda and the Public Mind: A Reading List
A reading list of books dealing with media, ideology, cultural institutions, and the forces in our society that shape the way we see ourselves and the world.
Mike Davis (1946 - 2022)
What can one say about Mike Davis that has not been said already by so many who appreciated his brilliance, wit, clarity, and uncanny foresight?
Environmental Justice Reading List
A reading list of books dealing with climate crisis and the global fight for environmental justice.
Imagining Socialism
“We need imagination to show how different the world can be and we need power to make that world a reality.”
Don't miss out! Recent releases from Haymarket
We've published a LOT of books over the last year, and you might have missed some! Here are some recent releases you might not have come across before.
Their Democracy and Ours: A Reading List
Books that examine the policies, practices, and histories that undergird this so-called “democracy,” and put forward analysis and strategies for building an actually democratic society and winning freedom from exploitation and oppression.
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