February Flash Sale

Flash 70% Off sale!

The following titles––from Clara Zetkin's enduringly relevant report and resolution on the rise of fascism in Germany, to historian Philip S. Foner's classic account of women in the US labor movement, to Fan Shigang's analysis of workers' struggle in contemporary China––are 70% Off until March 2nd, 2020.

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70% Off these Radical Reads:

Clara Zetkin, a German Marxist theorist, activist, and organizer of the First International Women's Day, presented this Report and Resolution on fascism at the June 1923 enlarged plenum of the Communist International's executive committee. At a time when fascism was a new and little-understood phenomenon, Zetkin's work proposed a sweeping plan for the unity of all victims of capitalism in an ideological and political campaign against the fascist danger. 

Despite having a more massive, technologically advanced, and better-funded military than any other power on the planet, in the last decade and a half of constant war across the Greater Middle East and parts of Africa, the United States has won nothing. Its unending wars, in fact, have only contributed to a world growing more chaotic by the second. From its founding, author Tom Engelhardt argues, the United States has been a nation made by wars. Through incisive analysis and characteristic wit, he ponders whether it will be unmade by them. 

Class War, USA is a rich collection of stories about ordinary people who resisted oppression and exploitation against all odds. Brandon Weber's succinct and vivid essays capture crucial moments of struggle when working-class people build movements of hope and defiance. Evocative imagery, archival photographs, and descriptive text make history come alive in these pages. An invaluable tool for learning the lessons of grassroots struggle, this book is the perfect counter-narrative to the myth that change comes only from the top. 

Through intimate portraits of four exonerated prisoners, journalist Alison Flowers explores what happens to innocent people when the state flings open the jailhouse door and tosses them back, empty-handed. Flowers movingly depicts the collateral damage of wrongful convictions on families and communities, challenging the deeper problem of mass incarceration in the United States, and vividly shows that after release from prison, a new and difficult journey begins for exonerees. 

In 1969, a group of young Puerto Rican activists founded the Young Lords Party in New York City, taking inspiration from the Black Panthers. Palante, the first book by and about the radical organization, is now back in print featuring new introductory material. Capturing the spirit and actions of the sixties movements, Palante features political essays, oral histories, and more. 

The election of Donald Trump has sent the United States and the world into uncharted waters, with a bigoted, petty man-child at the head of the planet's most powerful empire. Danny Katch indicts the hollowness of the US political system that led to Trump's rise with wit and puts forward a vision for a real alternative: a democracy that truly works for the people. 

In China, capitalist development since the 1980s has given rise to an enormous new industrial working class. In the vast export-processing zones along China's southeastern coast, countless so-called "migrant workers" or "peasant workers" from interior provinces eke out a living in innumerable factories. Through thirty-five years of struggle, they have gradually established a foothold as part of China's new industrial working class. 

As the Great Recession and the foreclosure crisis hit, four close friends who barely made it out of poverty in New York City's South Bronx suddenly find themselves caught up in the economic maelstrom. Lena, Zack, Dory, and Stu must reconcile their troubled pasts with an uncertain future in Beverly Gologorsky's stunning new novel, a tapestry of working-class life in a world on the brink. 

Sidney L. Harring provides an essential corrective to the popular ideas that police have always been around, that they are a force for deterring crime, and that they have an interest in pursuing justice. Examining the growth of the urban police force around the turn of the 20th century, Harring shows that police protected the interests of manufacturers and that, rather than fighting crime, the historical function of police has been to control the leisure activity of laborers and to maintain the existing order of capitalist relations. 

Indefensible offers an essential alternative to the ideology of those who claim to be anti-imperialists but oppose only Western imperialism and the despots it supports. Instead of ignoring or even supporting other imperialist nations, like Russia, and defending dictators such as Bashar al-Assad in Syria, Hensman powerfully argues for a genuine internationalism that supports mass struggles for freedom and democracy across the world, no matter what regime they are fighting against. 

In this wide-ranging and insightful work, Soma Marik defends the legacy of the Bolshevik Revolution, arguing against many of its detractors that the early communist regime was centrally concerned with both the liberation of women and the expansion of democracy. This edition includes a new introduction. 

Finally back in print, this groundbreaking history traces the struggle of American women for freedom, equality, and unity in the labor movement, tracking their triumphs and set backs from the days of the early Colonial labor associations through the 1970s. Women and the American Labor Movement gives voice to the women who had to battle on the shop floor and in the union movement for dignity and respect and who, through courage and tenacity, won significant victories. 

This volume brings together the two founding texts in the analysis of capitalism and imperialism: V.I. Lenin's Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism and Nikolai Bukharin's Imperialism and World Economy. The texts are fully annotated with critical notes and context, and remain essential for understanding the nature and function of imperialism and war historically–and today. 

Most scholars assume that Gramsci's thinking can be clearly periodized, drawing a distinction between his early work and The Prison Notebooks. In this important book, Marcos Del Roio instead defends the radical thesis that an examination of the Sardinian Communist's pre-prison political-theoretical activity reveals a total continuity between his political praxis and his philosophical reflection throughout his life.
