Books for changing the world

A Message of Solidarity from Haymarket Books

To our readers, collaborators, and co-thinkers:

We at Haymarket Books want to express our solidarity with all of you in this difficult and tenuous time. Our staff is actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation, and our main priority is the safety and well-being of our staff and our authors. We have transitioned all staff to remote work, and are canceling or postponing all in-person author events through at least May 1st.

Our mission is to produce books for changing the world. Now more than ever, the need to change the world is at the forefront of our minds: to create a world in which everyone is safe, healthy, and cared for. We know who is responsible for this situation: the profit-driven corporations and their political allies in office not only in the United States, but all over the world. Capitalism is the source of this crisis, not our fellow human beings. 

Our hearts go out in particular to those on the front lines of this crisis, and to the vulnerable workers and communities who don’t have a social safety net, who are forced to go into their jobs and risk infection due to the irresponsibility of their employers and the government. We must urgently demand and fight for both immediate relief and transformative change in this moment of crisis.

For the moment, we encourage those who are able to practice solidarity social distancing by staying home, washing hands, and generally following the guidelines put out by the Centers for Disease Control. While we all avidly follow the news and the developing situation, many of us will also be turning to books in search of knowledge, an escape, inspiration, or solace. Books can be tools for liberation and a much-needed relief from the constant worry and fear of this moment.

Take care of each other, another world is possible if we fight for it.


In solidarity,

The Team at Haymarket Books
