We Will Not Be Erased: Ongoing Nakba

Israel’s founding in 1948 was a result of premeditated ethnic cleansing campaigns across historic Palestine with the goal of displacing and dispossessing the indigenous Palestinian population of their land. The violence of the 1948 Nakba didn’t stop. In fact, successive Israeli governments, with the financial and political backing of the US, have given Israel the green light to expand and entrench its colonial project.

Colonialism is alive and well in the 21st century. The Nakba is not a thing of the past, but an ongoing reality. Join us for a discussion and a call to action as we unpack the history of 1948, the stories of survival, and the many ways the Nakba is ongoing today.


About the speakers:

Sandra Tamari is a Palestinian organizer and the Executive Director of Adalah Justice Project (AJP). Prior to her work with AJP, Sandra worked for 10 years in higher education as a immigration specialist, and before that as a Senior Program Manager for AMIDEAST, the Assistant Director of Georgetown University’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, and a grant writer and researcher for Al-Jana, Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts in Beirut. She is a co-founder of the St. Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee and was co-chair of the Steering Committee for the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights from 2015-2018. She was a lead organizer of the Palestinian contingent to Ferguson October in 2014.

Mohammed El-Kurd is writer and poet from Jerusalem, occupied Palestine.

Majd Kayyal is a Palestinian novelist and journalist born in Haifa to a family displaced from al-Barwa. He studied philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author of The Tragedy of Sayyed Matar (2016), which won the Qattan Foundation Award, and Death in Haifa (2019).

Sumaya Awad is a Palestinian writer and socialist organizer based in New York City. Her writings focus on Palestine, anti-imperialism, Islamophobia, and immigration, and have been featured in the Feminist Wire, In These Times, Open City, and Jacobin, among others. She is currently Director of Strategy at the Adalah Justice Project. Sumaya is the co-editor of Palestine: A Socialist Introduction.


This event is co-sponsored by Haymarket BooksAdalah Justice ProjectCenter for Constitutional RightsUS Campaign for Palestinian RightsUprooted and Rising, and Jewish Voice for Peace. While all of our events are freely available, we ask that those who are able make a solidarity donation in support of our important publishing and organizing work.
