Abortion is Won in the Streets

Join author Jenny Brown, Mexico-based abortion activist Lluvia “Rayito” del Rayo Rocha Perez, and NYC abortion activist Emily Janakiram as they discuss the history and future of the struggle for abortion rights and reproductive freedom.

In 1973, the landmark Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the United States. This is usually where the story begins and ends. But legal abortion was not handed down by the courts, it was won in the streets through years of grassroots mobilizations and political organizing led by activists during the Women’s Liberation movement. With all eyes on Texas, where the state legislature has passed a devastating 6-week abortion ban, today’s abortion rights movement must again take to the streets to turn back a wave of rightwing attacks on abortion access.



Jenny Brown was a leader in the fight to get the morning-after pill over the counter in the US and a plaintiff in the winning lawsuit. She writes, teaches, and organizes with the feminist group National Women’s Liberation and is the author of Without Apology:The Abortion Struggle Now and Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight over Women’s Work.

Lluvia (“Rayito”) del Rayo Rocha Perez is an activist for abortion rights in Juarez, Mexico where the federal court recently decriminalized abortion under pressure from mobilizations of activists.

Emily Janakiram is a writer and member of New York City for Abortion Rights.
