Choice Words: Writers on Abortion Discussion Groups

In this time of unprecendented attack on reproductive freedom, it is more important than ever that we demand not only that we each have ready access to basic services like abortion access, reproductive and gender affirming healthcare, childcare, education, and housing, but that we ensure that no one is left out of the universal promise of those services: whether they are pregnant, trans, non-binary, Black, brown, Indigenous, women, poor, migrant, and/or disabled.

As a contribution to the movement for reproductive justice, health, and freedom, we are offering some free resources for any groups who want to organize discussions on Choice Words: Writers on Abortion.

Choice Words magnifies the voices of people reclaiming the sole authorship of their abortion experiences and its collected essays, poems, and prose are a testament to the profound political power of defying shame.

To support Choice Words reading groups we are offering a free discussion guide, five donated copies of the book and assistance in scheduling a contributor from the book to participate in a conversation with your reading group.

Please complete this form to sign up for these resources. 

Please also consider donating to help pregnant people overcome financial and logistical barriers that may otherwise prevent them from accessing abortions, via the National Network for Abortion Funds.

  • Choice Words

    Edited by Annie Finch
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