Haymarket at Socialism 2024!

Join Haymarket Books for the Socialism Conference, August 30 - September 2 in Chicago, and participate in four days of socialist politics, ideas, and community. You'll also be able to browse the conference's radical pop-up bookstore, which will feature thousands of indispensable and inspiring books, including many Haymarket titles!

We've put together a reading list of books written by some of the many thinkers, writers, and activists who will be speaking at Socialism 2024, all 40% Off as part of our Summer of Struggle sale!

Check out the full conference schedule and register today!

In this timely collection of essays and interviews, Mariame Kaba reflects on the deep work of abolition and transformative political struggle.

Hear from Mariame Kaba at: How to Abolish Prisons: Lessons from the Movement Against Imprisonment and Save the Library, Save the World.

What fuels and sustains activism and organizing when it feels like our worlds are collapsing? Let This Radicalize You is a practical and imaginative resource for activists and organizers building power in an era of destabilization and catastrophe.

Hear from Kelly Hayes at: World Building Workshop: Abolition, Solidarity and Decolonization and From the Ashes: Grief, Care, and Time in our Movements.

FORTHCOMING: Pre-order here. A collection of interviews with some of the world’s leading progressive thinkers on the movement for Palestinian liberation and its connections to struggles for justice across the globe.

Hear from Ilan Pappé at: Ten Myths About Zionism.

In this award-winning book, Nick Estes traces traditions of Indigenous resistance leading to the present campaigns against fossil fuel pipelines

Hear from Nick Estes at: Our History is the Future: The Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance and How Can the Left Respond to this Moment?

In this essential work, journalist Ali Abunimah takes a comprehensive look at the shifting tides of the politics of Palestine in a neoliberal world.

Hear from Ali Abunimah at: The Future of Palestine.

FORTHCOMING: Pre-order here. This striking collection of more than 200 full-color infographics is a vivid portrait of Israeli settler colonialism and the Palestinian struggle for freedom.

Hear from Aline Batarseh and Jessica Anderson at: Now You Know It's Genocide: Putting Knowledge to Action for Palestinian Liberation.

A revolutionary collaboration about the world we're living in now, between two of our most important contemporary thinkers, writers and activists.

Hear from Robyn Maynard at: World Building Workshop: Abolition, Solidarity and Decolonization.

Hear from Leanne Betasamosake Simpson at: Theory of Water: Indigenous Internationals for World-Making.

In Border and Rule, one of North America’s foremost thinkers and immigrant rights organizers delivers an unflinching examination of migration as a pillar of global governance and gendered racial class formation.

Hear from Harsha Walia at: World Building Workshop: Abolition, Solidarity and Decolonization, How Can the Left Respond to this Moment?, and Unbuild Walls: Borders, Prisons, and Abolition.

An incisive guide to abolitionist strategy, and a love letter to the movement that made this moment possible.

Hear from Rachel Herzing and Justin Piché at: How to Abolish Prisons: Lessons from the Movement Against Imprisonment, and from Rachel Herzing at How Should the Left Respond to this Moment?

Drawing from over twenty years of activism on local and national levels, this striking book offers an organizer’s perspective on the intersections of immigrant rights, racial justice, and prison abolition.

Hear from Silky Shah at: Unbuild Walls: Borders, Prisons, and Abolition.

Economist Rob Larson combines wit, righteous anger, and clear-eyed analysis as he dissects the lifestyle, moral bankruptcy, and stupidly large sums of money hoarded by the disgustingly wealthy.

Hear from Rob Larson at: Mastering the Universe: Who is the Ruling Class (and How Do We Take Their Money)?

FORTHCOMING: Pre-order here. Written for anyone fed up with the permanent housing crisis, complicit politicians, and real estate greed, Abolish Rent dissects our housing system from the perspective of those it immiserates.

Hear from Tracy Rosenthal and Leonardo Vilchis at: Abolish Rent: How Tenants Can End the Housing Crisis, and from Tracy Rosenthal at Carewashing: Carcerality Disguised as Social Welfare.

The story of the fight against fascism across the African diaspora, revealing that Black antifascism has always been vital to global freedom struggles.

Hear from Jeanelle Hope and Bill Mullen at: The Black Antifascist Tradition.

 A global account of the grassroots environmental movements on the frontlines of the climate crisis.

Hear from Ashley Dawson at: Environmentalism from Below: How Global People's Movements are Leading the Fight for our Planet.

Tracing the narratives of five incarcerated individuals, Corridors of Contagion speaks to the devastating impact of surviving the pandemic inside prison walls. 

Hear from Victoria Law at: Carewashing: Carcerality Disguised as Social Welfare.

Even the River Starts Small is a collection of stories from the movement to stop construction of the Line 3 pipeline through northern Minnesota.

Hear from the Line 3 Storytelling Anthology team at: “How will we remember this?” Movement Memory and the Line 3 Storytelling Anthology.

The definitive introduction to history’s most influential and controversial political document, updated for a new generation of readers.

Hear from Phil Gasper at: 175 Years Since the Communist Manifesto: Why Marxism (Still) Matters.

In this illuminating and original work, Adam Hanieh explores the contours of neoliberal policies, dynamics of class and state formation, imperialism and the nature of regional accumulation in the Arab world.

Hear from Adam Hanieh at: Palestine, Fossil Capitalism, and US Power in the Middle East, The Dig LIVE: Energy and Hegemony on a Warming Planet, and Palestine and Global Liberation.

Palestine: A Socialist Introduction systematically tackles a number of important aspects of the Palestinian struggle for liberation, contextualizing it in an increasingly polarized world and offering a socialist perspective on how full liberation can be won.

Hear from Palestine: A Socialist Introduction co-editor, Sumaya Awad, at Demilitarization and Climate Justice: Winning a Just Transition to a Peace Economy and How to Divest from Israel: BDS Organizing in 2024.

Hear from Palestine: A Socialist Introduction co-editor, brian bean, at: We Keep Us Safe: De-Escelation Training and The Genocidal Returns of Lesser Evilism: The US Elections and Left Strategy.

Hear from contributor Shireen Akram-Boshar at: Palestine and Global Liberation.

Two key leaders and former staff of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) focus on the important role of anti-Zionist Jewish organizing within the broader Palestine solidarity movement, reflecting on their decade of leadership of JVP and drawing lessons especially relevant to those organizing from a position of solidarity.

Hear from Rabbi Alissa Wise and Rebecca Vilkomerson at: Not in Our Names: Organizing Against Supremacy and Toward Solidarity, and from Rabbi Alissa Wise at: Jewish-Muslim Solidarity: Building a Decolonial Alternative to Zionist Hegemony.

An eye-opening reckoning with the care economy, from its roots in racial capitalism to its exponential growth as a new site of profit and extraction.

Hear from Premilla Nadasen at: Against Apartheid, Against Empire: Learning from the South African Struggle.

The people of Brazil celebrated when they learned that in the space of two years their country would host the world's two largest sporting events: the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016. Then they protested in numbers the country hadn't seen in decades.

Hear from Dave Zirin at: Sports and the Fight for a Free Palestine.

This timely and urgent book shows how a youth-led political movement has emerged in recent years to challenge the bipartisan consensus on punishment and looks to the future through a redistributive, queer, and feminist lens. 

Hear from Donna Murch at: Labor Strategies for Fighting Racial Fascism at Home and Abroad.

As isolated individuals, debtors have little influence. But as a bloc, we can leverage our debts and devise new tactics to challenge the corporate creditor class and help win reparative, universal public goods.

Hear from the Debt Collective at: You Are Not a Loan: Debtors' Assembly.

This guide, based on the collective experience of organizers and workers in non-unionized workplaces, is a critical tool to help you and your coworkers organize for justice at work. 

Hear from EWOC organizers at: Socialists at Work: How to Successfully Talk to Coworkers About Forming a Union.

As the rivalry between the US and China enters a dangerous new phase, reaffirming the politics of anti-imperialism is a task more important than ever.

Hear from Kevin Lin and Ashley Smith at: China in Global Capitalism: Building International Solidarity Against Imperial Rivalry.

The border regimes of imperialist states have brutally oppressed migrants throughout the world. To enforce their borders, these states have constructed a new digital fortress with far-reaching and ever-evolving new technologies. This pathbreaking volume exposes these insidious means of surveillance, control, and violence.

Hear from Mizue Aizeki at: Democracy, Techno-Fascism, and the Capitalist State.

Hear from Matt Mahmoudi at: Building Solidarity, Undoing Borders: Fighting Tech-Augmented Apartheid in Palestine and Beyond.

Once home to the United States's largest plutonium production site, the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state is laced with 56 million gallons of radioactive waste. The threat of an explosive accident at Hanford is all too real—an event that could be more catastrophic than Chernobyl.

Hear from Joshua Frank at: The World's Looming Nuclear Threats.

An urgent and accessible analysis of the key structures of state violence in our world today, and a clarion call to action for their abolition.

Hear from Ray Acheson at: The World's Looming Nuclear Threats and Ending Sacrifice Zones: Fighting Racism and Imperialism Through Climate Justice.

In myriad ways, each narrator’s life has been shaped by loss, injustice, and resilience—and by the struggle of how to share space with settler nations whose essential aim is to take all that is Indigenous.

Hear from contributor Gladys Radek at: Fighting for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives, Looking for Indigenous Futures.

Daring to Struggle, Daring to Win tells the fascinating true story of an individual radical organizer turned independent Chicago city council member, and her forty year struggle for justice in Chicago.

Hear from Helen Shiller at: Revisiting the 1960s: Lessons for the Left.

Check out the full conference schedule and register today!
