The Left was Right: Radical Politics and Labor Militancy 1945-2020
A discussion about the possibilities of radical change and remaking the Democratic Party with authors Toni Gilpin and John Nichols.
Ali to LeBron: The Long Walk Towards Freedom
Scoop Jackson and Dave Zirin share an unfiltered conversation about the intersection of sports and politics in a time of crisis.
Intersectionality Matters: A Conversation with Kimberlé Crenshaw
Kimberlé Crenshaw discusses why intersectionality matters in this moment of crisis.
State, Power, Socialism
A reading list of books that deal with topics related to the state, power, and socialism across the globe and throughout history—bringing together classic Marxist interventions on reform and revolution, important historical treatments, and conjunctural arguments about strategy and tactics.
Neil Davidson: 1957–2020
Haymarket Books are deeply saddened by the death of Neil Davidson, one of the most important Marxist thinkers of his generation, a true working class intellectual, and a socialist who fought with extraordinary energy for a better world. Here, we gather a selection of tributes.