September 20, 2021 at 2.00pm – 2.30pm
Online Teach-in
A Pause in the Storm: Episode 1
Online Teach-in
RSVPMonday, September 20th, 2:00 PM ET
A Pause in the Storm is a new series from Haymarket Books and Gargi Bhattacharyya.
Join Gargi Bhattacharyya and one Haymarket author every month to explore ways of collectively rebuilding our crumbling world. Short and accessible, these conversations encourage us to pause and reflect on how to change everything.
Our chat this month features Rory Fanning, author of Worth Fighting For (Haymarket, 2014). In 2008, Rory walked across the United States for his friend Pat Tillman. Pat’s death by friendly fire in Afghanistan was covered up just days before Rory left the Army Rangers as a conscientious objector. Worth Fighting For traces Rory’s journey across the US, but also his political journey towards becoming a socialist and anti-imperialist.
Gargi Bhattacharyya is one of the UK’s leading scholars on race and capitalism. She is the author of Rethinking Racial Capitalism (2018), Dangerous Brown Men (2008), Traffick (2005) and co-author of Empire’s Endgame (2020).