September 2, 2022 - September 5, 2022 at 4.00pm – 2.00pm
Join us in Chicago for the 2022 Socialism Conference!
RSVPOver the last twenty years, the annual Socialism Conference in Chicago has grown into an essential gathering for the left to learn, discuss, and connect with each other in the fight for a better world.
As with most large gatherings since the onset of the pandemic, the conference could not be held in-person in 2020 or 2021. As we enter the third year of the pandemic, much is still up in the air and making reliable predictions is still extremely difficult. At the same time, we are conscious of the urgency of our political moment and the expansive political horizons inaugurated by the mass antiracist uprising of 2020. For these reasons, we are hopeful at the prospect of holding a safe and careful in-person conference in the fall of 2022. The conference organizers take the safety and health of participants very seriously, and over the next several months we will be exploring a number of options to ensure that any in-person gathering includes maximal public health precautions.
The intertwined health, political, and economic crises catalyzed by the pandemic, combined with the planetary crisis and the renewed reality of war and imperialism present a grim situation for those fighting for a different world. At the same time, we have been inspired by countless examples of organizing for dignity and safety for working and poor people—ranging from neighborhood mutual aid efforts to labor strikes across sectors. Of special importance remains the uprising against police violence and state racism of summer 2020, and the explosive political potentials it unlocked. In this context, the Socialism Conference aims to reflect the breadth and urgency of purpose voiced powerfully by abolitionist Ruth Wilson Gilmore, we must “change one thing: everything.”
Learn more about the Socialism Conference, save the date now and stay tuned for updates on speakers, topics, accessibility options, and public health precautions.
You are also invited to take a survey to let the organizers know which topics you would be most interested in discussing and learning about at this year's conference, and both organizations and individuals are welcome to submit proposals for conference workshops and talks.