October 26, 2023 at 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Palestine: "Women and Children" and the Politics of Appeal
RSVPFor nearly twenty years the Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series has worked with the University of Vermont to bring writers, activists, and public intellectuals to Burlington, Vermont to lead timely, politically engaged conversations. In a chilling move that echoes similar decisions by right-wing Republican governors across the country, the UVM administration has canceled the Fall lecture, which was to feature Palestinian poet, Mohammed El-Kurd, less than a week before the event was scheduled to take place.
Haymarket Books is proud to join the lecture series and their other co-sponsors and to provide a virtual platform for this important talk.
***Register through Eventbrite to receive a link to the video conference on the day of the event. This event will also be recorded and live captioning will be provided.***
Mohammed El-Kurd is an award-winning poet, writer, journalist and organizing from Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine. He is the Palestinian correspondent for The Nation and a Civic Media Fellow at the University of Southern California. Mohammed will talk about the representation and misrepresentation of Palestinians in the U.S.
Cosponsors: UVM Departments of English and Sociology, Peace and Justice Center – Burlington, FreeHer, Vermonters for Justice in Palestine
This is a free event, however, donations are welcome.
Like Will Miller, this Lecture Series is not just about words, it is about action. We provide analysis and information to help people take action–to become part of the movements for justice. Building these movements today is more critical than ever. Join us in achieving this critical goal. Please send a gift today to help us bring progressive, outspoken and inspiring speakers to Vermont.