Howard Zinn
“We need Howard Zinn now more than ever.”
Howard Zinn was born 100 years ago this week. We've put together a reading list of classic works by Zinn that embody his commitments to struggle from below and people's history, along with a free ebook A Life of Activism: Howard Zinn in His Own Words.
Howard Zinn: In Defense of Civil Disobedience
An excerpt from Howard Zinn's powerful and still relevant 1968 book, Disobedience and Democracy.
Make 2017 a Year of Resistance!
“To survive, democracy needs a truly radical, truly independent press more than ever before. We need to create a culture in this country in which reading and resistance go hand-in-hand.” –Howard Zinn (1922-2010)
A Life of Activism
by Howard Zinn -
El Caso por Socialismo
by Alan Maass -
by Howard Zinn -
Howard Zinn Speaks
by Howard Zinn -
by Howard Zinn
Disobedience and Democracy
by Howard Zinn -
Failure to Quit
by Howard Zinn -
Justice in Everyday Life
Edited by Howard Zinn -
Marx in Soho
by Howard Zinn -
Postwar America
by Howard Zinn
The Southern Mystique
by Howard Zinn -
by Howard Zinn -
The Case for Socialism (Updated Edition)
by Alan Maass -
Soldiers in Revolt