Books for changing the world

Abolition Feminisms Book Bundle

At a political moment when the urgency of radical, anti-carceral and anti-capitalist politics is clearer than ever, we’ve put together a book bundle of key, recent releases at the intersection of abolition and feminism.

The Abolition Feminisms Book Bundle includes: Angela Y. Davis, Gina Dent, Erica R. Meiners, and Beth E. Richie’s pathbreaking rebuttal to those who think of abolition and feminism as separate—and even incompatable—political projects; Maya Schenwar and Kim Wilson’s vital anthology about abolition, parenting, and caregiving; Emily L. Thuma’s landmark history of organizing within and beyond the walls of women’s prisons in the 1970s; and Chanelle Gallant and Elene Lam’s definitive abolitionist primer on migration, sex work, and policing.

Get all four books for (less than) $50 for the month of March, as part of our Women’s History Month sale.

For further reading, check out Abolition Now! Haymarket Books Against Policing & Mass Incarceration
