Archive of Haymarket Books
Abolition Feminisms Book Bundle
At a political moment when the urgency of radical, anti-carceral and anti-capitalist politics is clearer than ever, we've put together a book bundle of key, recent releases at the intersection of abolition and feminism. Get all four books for (less than) $50 for the month of March, as part of our Women’s History Month sale.
Abolitionist Social Work: Possibilities, Paradox and Praxis
A conversation about challenging carceral social work through the development and practice of an abolitionist social work.
Study and Struggle: Abolition, Intersectionality, and Care
The second in a series of Critical Conversations organized by Study and Struggle discussing prison abolition and immigrant justice.
Can't Pay, Won't Pay: The Case for Economic Disobedience and Debt Abolition
Astra Taylor, Hannah Appel and Chenjerai Kumanyika for a discuss the urgent new book: Can't Pay, Won't Pay.
Teaching People's History
Schools should be places for liberation, not institutions that reflect the oppressions and segregation of society.