Book cover for Revolutions
Book cover for Revolutions

The photographs collected in this unique book provide a startling visual documentation of seminal revolutionary events, from the Paris Commune of 1871 through to a series of "Unfinished Revolutions", from May 1968 in France to the Zapatista uprising in the mid-1990s. The immediacy of the images tells the story of these struggles in a way that texts rarely can, with revolutions appearing as complex and messy events driven by the actions of real, breathing humans who make their own history. Commentary on the images is provided by leading historians Gilbert Achcar, Enzo Traverso, Janette Habel, and Pierre Rousset, and Michael Löwy. This edition includes a new afterword by the author.

  • Revolutions is a major contribution to our understanding of the principal social movements which shape our modern world. It brings us closer to the participants of history, it provides imagery beautiful and haunting, inspiring and brutal. It binds together the unknown agents of history, the ordinary people achieving the extraordinary, and the immortalised heroes of revolutionary movements.” —Aidan Ratchford, Marx & Philosophy Review of Books

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