Marxism Missing, Missing Marxism
From Marxism to Identity Politics and Beyond

Examining how Marxist theory is lacking but much needed in a variety of analytical contexts, this book traces the theoretical maze in which Marxism currently finds itself, and from which it is trying to exit while remaining epistemologically intact. Scholar Tom Brass cogently argues that when Marxism is stripped of any or all of its core elements—such as class formation/consciousness/struggle, and a socialist transition—it ceases to be recognizable as Marxism at all. Consequently, the book constitutes an attempt by Marxist political economy to extricate itself from mistaken attempts to conflate it with the cultural turn, identity politics, bourgeois economics, or varieties of populism and nationalism, while grappling with the danger of not mapping Marxism in relation to those discourses.


Other books by Tom Brass

  • Transitions: Methods, Theory, PoliticsTransitions

  • Revolution and Its Alternatives

  • Labour Markets, Identities, Controversies

  • Class, Culture, and the Agrarian Myth

  • Labor Régime Change in the Twenty-First Century