Books for changing the world
Understanding Socialism

Socialism is a yearning for justice, community, and the greater realization of human potential. Cornel West calls it, “the best accessible and reliable treatment we have of what socialism is, was, and should be.”

Understanding Socialism is a plainspoken text that disarms false narratives, confronts past failures, and offers a path to a fresh and modern understanding of socialism, by outlining what democracy in the workplace could look like.

Wolff not only explains what socialism is and has meant to its various proponents, he also looks at the transition from feudalism to capitalism as a model to help us visualize an evolution from our current socioeconomic state.

Understanding Socialism
explores how socialist theory was used and applied to help shape the histories of countries such as Russia and China, and beyond. Wolff also analyzes the successes and defeats of those countries, the world's reactions to them, and how they offer important lessons for the building of a democratic, worker-controlled 21st-century socialism.

  • "Richard Wolff's book is the best accessible and reliable treatment we have of what socialism is, was, and should be.”
    —Cornel West 

    “Lucid, brilliant, and uncompromising in his dissection of the capitalist system, [Wolff] also provides a sane and just socialist alternative to capitalist exploitation, one we must all fight to achieve.”
    —Chris Hedges

    “In the same accessible style that has made his programs and lectures such a hit, [Wolff] explains his subject in a way that's not only smart, but makes the rest of us feel smart. It's actionable intelligence.”
    —Laura Flanders 

    "Wolff’s 138-page book is an accessible and insightful primer that undertakes a critical examination of the history of state-led socialism while offering a refreshing vision of a new model based upon workplace democracy."
    —Gregory N. Heires

Other books by Richard D. Wolff