Gramsci's Political Thought
Focusing on the central concepts of the Prison Notebooks and relating them to the history of modern political ideas, Gramsci's Political Thought demonstrates that Gramsci’s ideas continue to be relevant for understanding today's world. Written by a leading Brazilian Marxist theorist, this book provides one of the most succinct and theoretically focused introductions to Gramsci's thought available in any language.
  • [This publication] provides a wonderful opportunity to draw some attention to the debates on Gramsci in Latin America [...]. and is an essential window through which to view debates in and beyond Brazil.
    Adam David Morton, For the Desk Drawer

    Gramsci’s Political Thought ... offers a unique vantage point into South American Gramscian studies not previously afforded to the Anglophone scholar one of [its] strengths is its decisive and clear account of Gramsci’s own interpretation of Leninism as a living and vibrant practice, making no allowances for theoretical laziness and dogmatism. Coutinho endeavours to present Gramsci (in the pre-carceral era as well as that of the Notebooks) as an ever-vigilant challenger to dogmatic approaches to Marxism.
    Chris Walsh, International Socialist Group
  • [This publication] provides a wonderful opportunity to draw some attention to the debates on Gramsci in Latin America [...]. and is an essential window through which to view debates in and beyond Brazil.
    —Adam David Morton, For the Desk Drawer

    Gramsci’s Political Thought ... offers a unique vantage point into South American Gramscian studies not previously afforded to the Anglophone scholar … one of [its] strengths is its decisive and clear account of Gramsci’s own interpretation of Leninism as a living and vibrant practice, making no allowances for theoretical laziness and dogmatism. Coutinho endeavours to present Gramsci (in the pre-carceral era as well as that of the Notebooks) as an ever-vigilant challenger to dogmatic approaches to Marxism. “
    —Chris Walsh, International Socialist Group