The Historical Materialism Book Series is a major publishing initiative of the radical left. The capitalist crisis of the twenty-first century has been met by a resurgence of interest in critical Marxist theory. At the same time, the publishing institutions committed to Marxism have contracted markedly since the high point of the 1970s.
The Historical Materialism Book Series is dedicated to addressing this situation by making available important works of Marxist theory. The aim of the series is to publish important theoretical contributions as the basis for vigorous intellectual debate and exchange on the left. The peer-reviewed series publishes original monographs, translated texts, and reprints of classics across the bounds of academic disciplinary agendas and across the divisions of the left. The series is particularly concerned to encourage the internationalization of Marxist debate and aims to translate significant studies from beyond the English-speaking world.
Dissident Marxism and Utopian Eco-Socialism in the German Democratic Republic
Crisis and Criticism
Art and Emancipation
by John Roberts -
Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism
Edited by Wolfgang Fritz Haug, Frigga Haug, et al. -
Rethinking Ernst Bloch
Edited by Henk de Berg and Cat Moir -
Writings of Larisa Reisner
Daniel Bensaïd
by Darren Roso -
Inventing the New
by Luca Basso -
Design of a Worker Cooperatives Society
by Geert Reuten -
Transformations in the Brazilian and Korean Processes of Capitalist Development between the Early 1950s and the Mid-2010s
What Was Bolshevism?
by Lars T. Lih -
Language In Ernst Bloch's Speculative Materialism
Marxist Archaeology Today
Edited by Ianir Milevski -
Communes and Conflict
by Jan Dumolyn and Jelle Haemers -
Henryk Grossman Works, Volume 4
On the Theory and History of Ideological Production
State Capitalism and Development in East Asia since 1945
Edited by Owen Miller -
The Heart of the Matter
The Ends of Utopian Thinking in Critical Theory
by Nina Rismal -
The Latin American Revolutionary Movement
Edited by Marc Becker -
Raising the Red Flag
by Tony Collins -
Against Capitalism and Bureaucracy
The Bewitched World of Capital
Throwing the Dice of History with Marx
Immanent Externalities
Sylvain Maréchal, The Godless Man
Potentia of Poverty
Infinity for Marxists
The Specificity of the Aesthetic, Volume 1
Marx, A French Passion
Edited by Antony Burlaud and Jean-Numa Ducange -
Nationalism as a Claim to a State
by John Milios -
The Charisma of World Revolution
Rescuing Autonomy from Kant
by James Furner -
The Game of Contradictions
“Freedom is Indivisible”
Edited and translated by William T. Smaldone -
Market and Violence
Zheng Chaolin, Selected Writings, 1942–1998
Edited by Gregor Benton and John Sexton -
Adorno's Critique of Political Economy
Communism and the Avant-Garde in Weimar Germany
by Ben Fowkes -
The Communist Women’s Movement, 1920-1922
Edited by Daria Dyakonova and Mike Taber -
Larisa Reisner
by Cathy Porter -
For Nonconformism: Max Horkheimer and Friedrich Pollock
by Nicola Emery -
State and Society in Eighteenth-Century France
The Preobrazhensky Papers, Volume 2
The Preobrazhensky Papers, Volume 3
Fundamental Problems of the Sociology of Thinking
The Young Max Weber and German Social Democracy
Urban Revolutions
The Spectre of Capital
The Production of Subjectivity
by Jason Read -
Deconstructing Postmodernist Nietzscheanism
by Jan Rehmann -
The Moderate Bolshevik
Usable Pasts
Bodies and Artefacts vol 1.
Bodies and Artefacts vol 2.
Aesthetic Thinking
by Fred Orton -
Gramsci Contested
Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the Concrete
Edited by Joseph Grim Feinberg, Ivan Landa, et al. -
Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism
Wars of Position?
by H.F. Pimlott -
James P. Cannon and the Emergence of Trotskyism in the United States, 1928-38
Concrete Critical Theory
Leo Kofler’s Philosophy of Praxis: Western Marxism and Socialist Humanism
Towards a Productive Aesthetics
The Falling Rate of Profit and the Great Recession of 2007-2009
Freud and the Limits of Bourgeois Individualism
Toward a New World: Articles and Essays, 1901-1906
Henryk Grossman Works, Volume 3
The German Left and Aesthetic Politics
Karl Marx, Historian of Social Times and Spaces
The Workers' Opposition in the Russian Communist Party
Edited and translated by Barbara C. Allen -
The Moravian Brethren in a Time of Transition
Beyond Nature
The Weight of the Printed Word
by Steve Wright -
Revolutionary Social Democracy
by Eric Blanc -
Walt Whitman and His Caribbean Interlocutors: José Martí, C.L.R. James, and Pedro Mir
The Workers’ Movement and the National Question in Ukraine
by Marko Bojcun -
Selected Political and Economic Writings of Eugen Varga
by Eugen Varga -
Henryk Grossman Works, Volume 2
Arab Marxism and National Liberation
by Mahdi Amel -
Circling Marx
Cultural Hegemony in a Scientific World
Edited by Massimiliano Badino and Pietro Daniel Omodeo -
A Heterodox Marxist and His Century: Lelio Basso
by Lelio Basso -
Karl Radek on China
by Karl Radek -
Yiddish Revolutionaries in Migration
by Frank Wolff -
Intellectual and Manual Labour
The Dialectics of Capital (volume 1)
The Dialectics of Capital (volume 2)
Bread and Beauty
Caesarism and Bonapartism in Gramsci
The Ideological Condition
Red Banners, Books and Beer Mugs
Subjectivation and Cohesion
by Sonja Buckel -
Nietzsche, the Aristocratic Rebel
Paul Frölich: In the Radical Camp
by Paul Frölich -
The Science and Passion of Communism
Art and Labour
by Dave Beech -
Mao Zedong Thought
by Wang Fanxi -
A Philosophy for Communism
Cultures of Uneven and Combined Development
Edited by James Christie and Nesrin Degirmencioglu -
Gramsci’s Laboratory
Social Knowledge
by Paul Mattick -
Workers’ Self-Management in Argentina
Ernst Bloch’s Speculative Materialism
by Cat Moir -
To the Victor, the Potatoes!
Revisiting Gramsci’s Notebooks
Edited by Francesca Antonini, Aaron Bernstein, et al. -
Ethiopia in Theory
Marx on Campus
by Lothar Peter -
Translating Marx
Karl Kautsky on Democracy and Republicanism
by Karl Kautsky -
How Language Informs Mathematics
by Dirk Damsma -
In Combat
None So Fit to Break the Chains
by Dan Swain -
The Marxist Conception of the State
by Max Adler -
The unity of the capitalist economy and state
by Geert Reuten -
The Corporation, Law, and Capitalism
The Making of Capitalism in France
Becoming Marxist
by Ted Stolze -
Henryk Grossman Works, Volume 1
Intelligent Materialism
Social-Imperialism in Britain
by Neil Redfern -
Crises and Hegemonic Transitions
The Antagonistic Principle
The French Revolution and Social Democracy
Invisible Leviathan
Marx on Capitalism
by James Furner -
State and Revolution in Finland
Alliance of Adversaries
Edited by John Sexton -
Red Hamlet
Speculation as a Mode of Production
US Trotskyism 1928–1965 Part I: Emergence
Edited by Thomas Bias, Paul Le Blanc, et al. -
US Trotskyism 1928–1965 Part II: Endurance
Edited by Thomas Bias, Paul Le Blanc, et al. -
US Trotskyism 1928–1965 Part III: Resurgence
Edited by Paul Le Blanc and Bryan D. Palmer -
The Jewish Question
Marx, Women, and Capitalist Social Reproduction
Again, Dangerous Visions
Crisis, Movement, Strategy
Edited by Panagiotis Sotiris -
Drums of War, Drums of Development
by Jim Glassman -
The Politics of the Precariat
by Ruy Braga -
Socialism and Commodity Production
When Workers Shot Back
by Robert Ovetz -
The Communist Movement at a Crossroads
Edited by Mike Taber -
Theory as Critique
by Paul Mattick -
The Crisis of Ugliness
Marx’s Capital
Edited by Gerald Hubmann and Marcel van der Linden -
The Long Roots of Formalism in Brazil
The Government of Time
Edited by Vittorio Morfino and Peter D. Thomas -
Marx's Theory of the Genesis of Money
The Class Strikes Back
Edited by Dario Azzellini and Michael G. Kraft -
Debord, Time and Spectacle
by Tom Bunyard -
Marx and Social Justice
The Popular Front Novel in Britain, 1934-1940
The February Revolution, Petrograd, 1917
A Jewish Communist in Weimar Germany
Persistent Inequalities
Selected Essays of Nigel Harris
by Nigel Harris -
The Petrograd Workers in the Russian Revolution
by David Mandel -
Responses to Marx's Capital
Edited and translated by Richard B. Day and Daniel F. Gaido -
Art History as Social Praxis
by David Craven -
British Communism and the Politics of Race
by Evan Smith -
Austro-Marxism: The Ideology of Unity. Volume II
Edited by Mark E. Blum and William Smaldone -
Beyond Liberal Egalitarianism
by Tony Smith -
The Conspiracy of Modern Art
The French Revolution and Historical Materialism
by Henry Heller -
On the Road to Global Labour History
Edited by Karl Heinz Roth -
Communards and Other Cultural Histories
The Dutch and German Communist Left (1900-1968)
What Went Wrong? The Nicaraguan Revolution
by Dan La Botz -
Althusser and Theology
Edited by Agon Hamza -
The American Exceptionalism of Jay Lovestone and His Comrades, 1929-1940
Edited by Tim Davenport and Paul Le Blanc -
Antonio Gramsci
Communes and Workers' Control in Venezuela
Otto Bauer (1881-1938)
The Red International of Labour Unions (RILU) 1920 - 1937
Splendour, Misery, and Possibilities
by Darko Suvin -
The Types of Economic Policies Under Capitalism
by Kôzô Uno -
A Failed Parricide
Finance Capital Today
The Mismeasure of Wealth
Reform, Revolution and Direct Action amongst British Miners
by Martyn Ives -
The History of Italian Marxism
Landscape Between Ideology and the Aesthetic
Marx Worldwide
by Jan Hoff -
Marxist Monetary Theory
The Politics of Style
Revolution, Defeat and Theoretical Underdevelopment
The Rhythm of Thought in Gramsci
Marx's Economic Manuscript of 1864-1865
Edited by Fred Moseley -
Marx's Capital, Method and Revolutionary Subjectivity
The Philosophy of Living Experience
The Practical Essence of Man
Edited by Andrey Maidansky and Vesa Oittinen -
The Prisms of Gramsci
Deliverance from Slavery
by Dick Boer -
Karl Marx
by Karl Korsch -
Marx and the Earth
by Paul Burkett and John Bellamy Foster -
Marxism and Historical Practice (Vol. I)
Marxism and Historical Practice (Vol. II)
On the Formation of Marxism
by Jukka Gronow -
Trotsky's Challenge
Edited by Frederick C. Corney -
Prophets Unarmed
Edited by Gregor Benton -
Marx and the Common
by Luca Basso -
Money and Totality
by Fred Moseley -
Studies On Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production
Edited by Andrea Zingarelli and Laura da Graca -
Austro-Marxism: The Ideology of Unity
Edited by Mark E. Blum and William Smaldone -
Gramsci's Pathways
The Politics of Transindividuality
by Jason Read -
The Thatcherite Offensive
War, Capital, and the Dutch State (1588-1795)
'Bitter with the Past but Sweet with the Dream'
by Cathy Bergin -
Reading Gramsci
Time, Capitalism, and Alienation
Alexander Shlyapnikov, 1885-1937
Art and Value
by Dave Beech -
Cataclysm 1914
Edited by Alexander Anievas -
Critical Marxism in Mexico
Degeneration and Revolution
The Dimensions of Hegemony
The Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party, 1899-1904
Edited by Richard Mullin -
by Mark Abel -
To the Masses
Edited by John Riddell -
The German Left and the Weimar Republic
Edited and translated by Ben Fowkes -
Max Weber: Modernisation as Passive Revolution
by Jan Rehmann -
The Origin of Capitalism in England 1400-1600
Plural Temporality
Crisis and Contradiction
Edited by Susan J. Spronk and Jeffery R. Webber -
Lenin and the Logic of Hegemony
by Alan Shandro -
Looking for The Proletariat
Marxism in a Lost Century
by Gary Roth -
The Marxism of Manuel Sacristán
The Postcolonial Orient
Revolutionary Marxism in Spain 1930-1937
by Alan Sennett -
Working-Class Politics in the German Revolution
Global Political Economy and the Modern State System
Trotsky and the Problem of Soviet Bureaucracy
by Thomas Twiss -
The Communist International and U.S. Communism, 1919 - 1929
From the Vanguard to the Margins
Marx's Capital and Hegel's Logic
Edited by Fred Moseley and Tony Smith -
Philosophy After Marx
The Preobrazhensky Papers: Archival Documents and Materials
The Revolutionary Marxism of Antonio Gramsci
Time in Marx
Beyond Marx
Edited by Karl Heinz Roth and Marcel van der Linden -
Dialectics of the Ideal
Edited by Alex Levant and Vesa Oittinen -
Gramsci and Languages
Marx and Latin America
by José Aricó -
Plebeian Power
War and Revolution in Catalonia, 1936-1939
Theories of Ideology
by Jan Rehmann -
The New Left, National Identity, and the Break-Up of Britain
In the Vale of Tears
by Roland Boer -
Rethinking the Industrial Revolution
Seeing Through the Eyes of the Polish Revolution
by Jack Bloom -
In Marx's Laboratory
Edited by Riccardo Bellofiore, Guido Starosta, et al. -
Marxism and Social Movements
Edited by Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, et al. -
The Culture of People's Democracy
Revolutionary Teamsters
Marxism and the Oppression of Women
by Lise Vogel -
Marx and Singularity
by Luca Basso -
Marx's Temporalities
The Meanings of Work
The Ellen Meiksins Wood Reader
Marx on Gender and the Family
Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism
by Peter Hudis -
Criticism of Earth
by Roland Boer -
Financialization in Crisis
Edited by Costas Lapavitsas -
Gramsci's Political Thought
The October Revolution in Prospect and Retrospect
Discovering Imperialism
Edited and translated by Richard B. Day and Daniel F. Gaido -
Toward the United Front
Edited by John Riddell -
Red October
Behind the Crisis
Criticism of Theology
by Roland Boer -
In the Steps of Rosa Luxemburg
by Paul Levi -
Monsters of the Market
The American Road to Capitalism
by Charles Post -
Theory As History
Criticism of Religion
by Roland Boer -
Politics and Philosophy
Witnesses to Permanent Revolution
Edited and translated by Richard B. Day and Daniel F. Gaido -
The Gramscian Moment
Alasdair MacIntyre's Engagement with Marxism
The Capitalist Cycle
The Clash of Globalizations
by Ray Kiely -
Critical Companion to Contemporary Marxism
Edited by Jacques Bidet and Stathis Kouvelakis -
Criticism of Heaven
by Roland Boer -
Exploring Marx's Capital
Following Marx
by Tony Smith -
Impersonal Power
Making History
Marxism and Ecological Economics
by Paul Burkett -
A Marxist Philosophy of Language
Utopia, Ltd.
Western Marxism and the Soviet Union
Lenin Rediscovered
by Lars T. Lih -
Between Equal Rights
The German Revolution, 1917-1923
by Pierre Broué -
The Theory of Revolution in the Young Marx
by Michael Löwy