Modern Capitalism began the 21st Century seemingly victorious as the dominant social and economic organizing principle in the world. Rampant re- and de-regulation accompanied a wholesale attack on social, economic and political gains of the prior century under the guise of increasing competitiveness and the need to respond to the forces of globalization. The end of the cold war, the decline of the former Soviet Union, and the increasing foothold of capitalism in China all point to an unchallenged reorientation of the global political economy to reflect this ascendence of capitalist social relations.
The peer-reviewed Studies in Critical Social Science book series, through the publication of original manuscripts and edited volumes, offers insights into the current reality by exploring the content and consequence of power relationships under capitalism, by considering the spaces of opposition and resistance to these changes that have been defining our new age.
Gezi at Ten
Edited by Ufuk Gürbüzdal, Eren Karaca, et al. -
Reconstructing Feminism through Cyberfeminism
Edited by Gözde Ersöz, Gökmen Kantar, et al. -
Capitalism and Class Power
Edited by Ronald W. Cox -
Cliometrics as Economics Imperialism: Across the Watershed
by Ben Fine -
Feminism and the Early Frankfurt School
Edited by Jeremiah Morelock and Christine A. Payne -
Caste, Marginalisation, and Resistance
Dangerous Anarchist Strikers
Jews and New Christians in the Making of the Atlantic World in the 16th–17th Centuries
Critical Reflexive Research Methodologies
Edited by Dr. ‘Nob’ Doran, Dawn Onishenko, et al. -
Economics Imperialism and Interdisciplinarity
by Ben Fine -
Economics Imperialism and Interdisciplinarity Vol 2 (After)
by Ben Fine -
Undesired Revolution
Writing Revolution
Beyond Dogmatism
by Paola Rudan -
The Challenges of the New Social Democracy
by Aram Eisenschitz, Jamie Gough, et al. -
Metaphysics of Cooperation
Public Health Systems in the Age of Financialization
The Bottom Worker in East Asia
Edited by Hideo Aoki and Tomonori Ishioka -
Activity Theory
by Andy Blunden -
Contradictions of Capitalist Society and Culture
by Raju J. Das -
Hongkongers’ Fight for Freedom
Social Mobility, Social Inequality, and the Role of Higher Education
Edited by Elena G. Popkova, Bruno S. Sergi, et al. -
Capital, Race and Space, Volume II
Capitalism and COVID-19 Volume 2
by Noel Chellan -
The Political Economy of Housing
Agrarian History of the Cuban Revolution
Capital, Race and Space, Volume I
Disrupted Knowledge
Edited by Gareth Longstaff, Tina Sikka, et al. -
It Did Happen Here
Words of the Prophets
Capitalism and Covid-19 Volume 1
by Noel Chellan -
Global Labour in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
by Cristina Caamaño, Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni, et al. -
Russia in the Context of Global Transformations
by Lyudmila Bulavka-Buzgalina, Aleksandr Buzgalin, et al. -
The Shifting Ground of Globalization
Brazilian Bourgeoisie and Foreign Policy
Media Narratives
Edited by Christiana Constantopoulou -
Urban Movements and Their Impact on Spatial Transformation
by Cumhur Olcar -
The Struggle for Development and Democracy Volume 2
Dynamics of China's Economy
by Rémy Herrera and Zhiming Long -
Theater(s) and Public Sphere in a Global and Digital Society, Volume 1
Edited by Ilaria Riccioni -
Theater(s) and Public Sphere in a Global and Digital Society, Volume 2
Edited by Ilaria Riccioni -
Digital Fissures
Edited by Carlotta Cossutta, Valentina Greco, et al. -
Global Poverty
Edited by Raju J. Das and Deepak K. Mishra -
The Radical Right
Edited by Tamás Gerőcs, Cecilia Lero, et al. -
Structures of Language
by Joan Casser -
Syed Hussein Alatas and Critical Social Theory
Edited by Dustin J. Byrd and Seyed Javad Miri -
Contending Global Apartheid
Edited by Martin Bak Jøgensen and Carl-Ulrik Schierup -
Global Marx
Edited by Eleonora Cappuccilli, Battistini Matteo, et al. -
The Curious Trajectory of Caste in West Bengal Politics
by Ayan Guha -
Crisis, Inequalities and Poverty
Transitions: Methods, Theory, PoliticsTransitions
by Tom Brass -
Middle Class: An Intellectual History through Social Sciences
Anthology of Noonomy: Fourth Technological Revolution and Its Economic, Social and Humanitarian Consequences
Edited by Sergey Bodrunov -
National (un)Belonging: Bengali American Women on Imagining and Contesting Culture and Identity
In Search of the Global Labor Market
Edited by Ursula Mense-Petermann, Thomas Welskopp, et al. -
Privatization in Turkey
by Ahmet Zaifer -
Unravelling the Social Formation
by Akif Avci -
The Art of the Creative Commons
Bernie Bros Gone Woke
Lost-Time Injury Rates
Marx Matters
Edited by David Fasenfest -
Dependency Theory After Fifty Years
by Claudio Katz -
Law of Value and Theories of Value
Sanctions as War
Edited by Stuart Davis -
Social Security in the Balkans – Volume 3
Edited by Marzena Żakowska -
The Coronavirus Crisis and Its Teachings
by Roland Benedikter and Karim Fathi -
Neoliberalism or Developmentalism
Edited by Ana Paula Fregnani Columbi, Juan Grigera, et al. -
Reform and Political Crisis in Brazil
The Struggle for Development and Democracy
Social Security in the Balkans – Volume 2
Edited by Dorota Domalewska and Marzena Żakowska -
Controversies about History, Development and Revolution in Brazil
Edited by Carla Curty, Jaime León, et al. -
Critical Approaches to International Relations
Edited by Engin Sune and M. Kürşad Özekin -
Financialisation and Poverty Alleviation in Ghana
Co-operative Struggles
Farewell to Work?
Hegel, Marx and Vygotsky
by Andy Blunden -
Gender and Biopolitics
The Making of Modern Japan
The Right to Development in Africa
Service Workers in the Era of Monopoly Capital
Social Security in the Balkans - Volume 1
Edited by Dorota Domalewska and Marzena Żakowska -
African-Australian Marriage Migration
From Online Platforms to Digital Monopolies
Outside and In-Between
Edited by Kailan Leung, Vania Soepriatna, et al. -
Urban Emergency (Mis)Management and the Crisis of Neoliberalism
Edited by Terressa A. Benz and Graham Cassano -
Constructing Change
Hating Girls
Edited by Debra Meyers and Mary Sue Barnett -
State Transformations
Edited by Greg Albo, Stephen Maher, et al. -
Capitalist Dictatorship
Constructing Social Research Objects
Edited by Håkon Leiulfsrud and Peter Sohlberg -
Feeding Istanbul
Critical Research Methodologies
Edited by Dionisio Nyaga and Rose Ann Torres -
How to Critique Authoritarian Populism
Edited by Jeremiah Morelock -
Marxism Missing, Missing Marxism
by Tom Brass -
Anxiety, Modern Society, and the Critical Method
Cuba Was Different
Forces of Production, Climate Change and Canadian Fossil Capitalism
Rethinking Marxist Approaches to Transition
Turkey: The Pendulum between Military Rule and Civilian Authoritarianism
Uneven Landscapes of Violence
Coercive Geographies
Edited by Johan Heinsen, Martin Bak Jørgensen, et al. -
Ecuador’s “Good Living”
Key Elements of Social Theory Revolutionized by Marx
Crisis’ Representations
Edited by Christiana Constantopoulou -
Gender Inequality in Latin America
Edited by Claudia Maldonado-Erazo and Pablo Quiñonez -
Introduction to Africana Demography
Edited by Lori Latrice Martin -
Resignation and Ecstasy: The Moral Geometry of Collective Self-Destruction
Growth and Change in Neoliberal Capitalism
Social Welfare Responses in a Neoliberal Era
Edited by Cory Blad and Mia Arp Fallov -
Confronting Reification
Edited by Gregory R. Smulewicz-Zucker -
Critical Reflections on Economy and Politics in India. Volume 1
by Raju J. Das -
Critical Reflections on Economy and Politics in India. Volume 2
by Raju J. Das -
The Critique of Religion and Religion’s Critique
Edited by Dustin J. Byrd -
A Companion to Antonio Gramsci
Edited by Davide Cadeddu -
Disintegration: Bad Love, Collective Suicide, and the Idols of Imperial Twilight
Organizing Anarchy
Georg Lukács and the Possibility of Critical Social Ontology
Edited by Michael J. Thompson -
Nietzsche and Critical Social Theory
Edited by Christine A. Payne and Michael James Roberts -
The Political Economy of the Spectacle and Postmodern Caste
The Bourgeois Charm of Karl Marx & the Ideological Irony of American Jurisprudence
by Dana Neacsu -
Dependency, Neoliberalism and Globalization in Latin America
Fidel in the Cuban Socialist Revolution
by Fidel Castro -
Marx’s Experiments and Microscopes
Power and Impotence
United States in a World in Crisis
Varieties of Post-communist Capitalism
by Péter Mihályi and Iván Szelényi -
Neoliberalism and Academic Repression
Edited by Erik Juergensmeyer, Anthony J. Nocella II, et al. -
Intellectuals, Inequalities and Transitions
Edited by Tamás Demeter -
The Politics of Public Debt
by Daniel Bin -
No Country for Migrants?
The Dialectical Meaning of Offshored Work
Weaponized Whiteness
by Fran Shor -
Women of Liberty
Explorations in Critical Criminology in Honor of William J. Chambliss
Edited by Victoria E. Collins and Dawn L. Rothe -
Frantz Fanon and Emancipatory Theory
Edited by Dustin J. Byrd and Seyed Javad Miri -
Migration, Reproduction and Society
Acquiring Modernity
The "Greek Crisis" in Europe
Reaction Formation: Dialogism, Ideology, and Capitalist Culture
Teaching Marx & Critical Theory in the 21st Century
Edited by Mary Caputi and Bryant William Sculos -
Hegel for Social Movements
by Andy Blunden -
The Rest Write Back
Edited by Esmaeil Zeiny -
Value and Crisis
Developmentalist Cities?
Edited by Jamie Doucette and Bae-Gyoon Park -
Digitalized Finance
Eleanor Smith's Hull House Songs
by Graham Cassano, Jessica Payette, et al. -
Revolution and Its Alternatives
by Tom Brass -
The Sociogony
Welcoming Ruin
How Labour Built Neoliberalism
Media, Ideology and Hegemony
Edited by Savaş Çoban -
Marx's Philosophy of Revolution in Permanence for Our Day
Challenging the Status Quo
Edited by Sharon M. Collins, Michelle S. Dodson, et al. -
Subordinated Development
Co-operativism and Local Development in Cuba
Edited by Sonja Novković and Henry Veltmeyer -
Middle East Studies after September 11
Edited by Tugrul Keskin -
Marxism and Sociology
Black Toledo
Edited by Abdul Alkalimat and Rubin Patterson -
Concepts in Action
Edited by Håkon Leiulfsrud and Peter Sohlberg -
Considering Class
Edited by Deirdre O'Neill and Mike Wayne -
Beyond Marx and Other Entries
Cooperativism and Democracy
Edited by Bartłomiej Błesznowski -
Twenty-First Century Inequality & Capitalism
Edited by Lauren Langman and David A. Smith -
Crisis and Sequels
Edited by Martin Thomas -
Emancipation and History
Ali Shariati and the Future of Social Theory
Edited by Dustin J. Byrd and Seyed Javad Miri -
Development and Democracy: Relations in Conflict
Marxism and Criminology: A History of Criminal Selectivity
Marxist Class Theory for a Skeptical World
by Raju J. Das -
Russia: From Proletarian Revolution to State-Capitalist Counter-Revolution
Identifying a Free Society
Labour Markets, Identities, Controversies
by Tom Brass -
Mobilizing Public Sociology
Edited by Victoria Carty and Rafael Luévano -
Sub-Imperalism Revisited
The Agrarian Seeds of Empire
by Brad Bauerly -
The Dialectic of Position and Maneuver
by Daniel Egan -
"Is the Turk a White Man?"
by Murat Ergin -
Rethinking Private Higher Education
China: Promise or Threat?
NASCAR, Sturgis, and the New Economy of Spectacle
by Daniel Krier and William J. Swart -
Politics of Precarity
Edited by Martin Bak Jørgensen and Carl-Ulrik Schierup -
The Poverty of Work
Eros and Revolution
The Future of Work
Capitalism's Future
Edited by Daniel Krier and Mark P. Worrell -
Critique of Rationality
God, Guns, Gold and Glory
by Lauren Langman and George Lundskow -
Human Rights, Hegemony, and Utopia in Latin America
Labor Conflict and Capitalist Hegemony in Argentina
Malcolm X
Edited by Dustin J. Byrd and Seyed Javad Miri -
The Origins of Collective Decision Making
by Andy Blunden -
Theory in Action
by Håkon Leiulfsrud and Peter Sohlberg -
Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism
Edited by Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco -
Globalizing Cultures
Edited by Vincenzo Mele and Marina Vujnovic -
Marx and the Political Economy of the Media
Edited by Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco -
Power and Resistance
by James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer -
Utopia and the Dialectic in Latin American Liberation
by Eugene Gogol -
Confronting Gouldner
The Reproductive Bargain
Settlement Sociology in Progressive Years
Class, Culture, and the Agrarian Myth
by Tom Brass -
Collaborative Projects
Edited by Andy Blunden -
Come Hell or High Water
Constructing Marxist Ethics
Edited by Michael J. Thompson -
A Dialectical Pedagogy of Revolt
The Dialectics of the Religious and the Secular
Edited by Michael R. Ott -
Extractive Imperialism in the Americas
by James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer -
Media and Left
Edited by Savaş Çoban -
A New Kind of Public
Social Structures of Direct Democracy
Trouble in the University
Critical Practice from Voltaire to Foucault, Eagleton and Beyond
Empires and Walls
In the Hotel Abyss
Modern Colonization by Medical Intervention
American Anarchism
Anarchy and Society
by Jeff Shantz and Dana M. Williams -
Industrial Colonialism in Latin America
Max Weber's Theory of Personality
Stateless Citizenship
Religious Fundamentalism in the Middle East
Modernity and Terrorism
The Supranatural Corporation
by Laura Westra -
Economic Nationalism and Globalization
Faces of State Terrorism
by Laura Westra -
Messages from George Simmel
Reinventing Race, Reinventing Racism
Edited by John J. Betancur and Cedric Herring -
Capital Accumulation and Migration
by Andy Blunden -
The Neoliberal Pattern of Domination
Theorizing Globalization
by Marko Ampuja -
Towards a Dialectic of Philosophy and Organization
by Eugene Gogol -
The Underground Church
The Age of Knowledge
Edited by James Dzisah and Henry Etzkowitz -
The Cuban Revolution as Socialist Human Development
by Mark Rushton and Henry Veltmeyer -
The Entropy of Capitalism
Labor Régime Change in the Twenty-First Century
by Tom Brass -
Neoliberalism and National Culture
by Cory Blad -
Covert Racism
Edited by Rodney D. Coates -
Crisis of Capitalism
European Bloc Imperialism
Fair and Affordable Housing in the US
Edited by Kelly L. Patterson and Robert Mark Silverman -
Globalization, Violence and World Governance
by Laura Westra -
Marx and the Politics of Abstraction
Neoliberalism's Fractured Showcase
Edited by Ximena de la Barra -
Religion and the New Atheism
Edited by Amarnath Amarasingam -
State Capitalism, Contentious Politics and Large-Scale Social Change
Weaving Transnational Solidarity
The Apprentice's Sorcerer
by Ishay Landa -
Crisis, Politics and Critical Sociology
Edited by Graham Cassano and Richard A. Dello Buono -
Imperialism, Crisis and Class Struggle
An Interdisciplinary Theory of Activity
by Andy Blunden -
Profitable Ideas
Social Change, Resistance and Social Practices
Edited by Richard A. Dello Buono and David Fasenfest -
Western Europe, Eastern Europe and World Development 13th-18th Centuries
Edited by Jean Batou and Henryk Szlajfer -
The Destiny of Modern Societies
Engaging Social Justice
Edited by David Fasenfest -
Culture, Power, and History
Dialectic of Solidarity
The Future of Religion
Edited by Michael R. Ott -
Globalization and the Environment
Edited by Andrew Jorgenson Jorgenson and Edward Kick -
Hybrid Identities
Edited by Keri E. Iyall Smith and Patricia Leavy -
Imperialism, Neoliberalism, and Social Struggles in Latin America
Edited by Richard A. Dello Buono and José Bell Lara -
Liberal Modernity and Its Adversaries
Marx, Critical Theory, and Religion
Edited by Warren S. Goldstein -
Marx's Scientific Dialectics
Race and Ethnicity
Edited by Rodney D. Coates -
Transforming Globalization
Edited by Bruce Podobnik and Thomas Reifer