Black Politics
Hip Hop's Hostile Gospel
C. L. R. James and Revolutionary Marxism
Edited by Paul Le Blanc and Scott McLemee -
Class Struggle and the Color Line
Organized Labor and the Black Worker, 1619-1981
How We Get Free
Edited by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor -
Malcolm X
Edited by Dustin J. Byrd and Seyed Javad Miri -
Black Liberation and the American Dream
Edited by Paul Le Blanc -
The Whiskey of our Discontent
Edited by Quraysh Ali Lansana and Georgia A. Popoff -
My Mother Was a Freedom Fighter
by aja monet -
Deliverance from Slavery
by Dick Boer -
"When the Welfare People Come"
by Don Lash -
Voices of Liberation
by Leo Zeilig -
'Bitter with the Past but Sweet with the Dream'
by Cathy Bergin -
Undivided Rights
by Marlene Gerber Fried, Elena Gutiérrez, et al. -
1989, The Number
by Kevin Coval and Nate Marshall -
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle
How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America
Boots Riley
by Boots Riley -
This Is Not A Test
by José Vilson -
Reinventing Race, Reinventing Racism
Edited by John J. Betancur and Cedric Herring -
Black Panthers Speak
Edited by Philip S. Foner -
The Black Power Mixtape
Edited by Göran Olsson -
by Howard Zinn -
I Am Troy Davis